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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I had this issue with running an exe I created as a windows service. I am assuming you are using srvany.exe? If not, research it.
Once you get the windows service running properly, you may be limited due to windows permission issues. Make sure you run the service from an administrator user account, and not the local service account.
Also, keep in mind that if you run your exe as a service, and you have that exe file launch another exe file, it will not work.
Possbie Bug In Fusion. I am using the most recent version. I only have to display the names in my event editor, and not display icons. However, special objects still display an icon.
When changing the caret position of the editbox, the application will crash:
* device_ip: has been modified device_ip : Set caret position to Len( Edittext$( "device_ip" ) )
There is another user who reported it, and there was a fix. However, I am using the latest cf2.5 version, and I would assume I would have the editbox as most recent, since it is a clickteam object. Please login to see this link.
I'm not programmer so it's possible i'll say something stupid, but what would be the interest? I mean, it's the same thing as if we code with fusion, except that we have to write everything at the hand, without interface, I can't see the added value.
There are definitely advantages. I find from learning the syntax of conditions, actions, and expressions, it is faster in some cases entering code line by line with an text based platform, than clicking through the mouse, going through an object and selection. Plus, I also think it is beneficial from the standpoint that it allows you to transition towards the workflow of working with other programming languages.
You can copy code from fusion on the event editor into notepad/notepad ++, but the code cannot be pasted back into fusion: It would be great if you can edit in notepad and either copy/paste or perform an import function in the events. Please Yves, please...
Do you use the 2.5+ DLC on the other machine? This message is usually displayed when you try to load a MFA that uses 2.5+ features with a normal CF 2.5.
Thanks Yves, DLC wasn't installed. After installing it works now.
I am using the same version on two computers. But when I run it on one, this message displays. I copied the entire program dir to the other computer, as well exported the registry. I am still getting the message.
He means, the Registry 2 object has no options to access the HKLM registry keys for 64-bit applications. CF 2.5 apps are 32-bit apps so in theory you don't need this, but you might need it if you want to change the settings of 64-bit apps or the OS.
This option was added for CF 2.5 but for some reason this change was not propagated to the official version, not sure why. I've updated the feature request in the bugbox, you can download it from there: Please login to see this link..
Hi Yves, I installed it the update you had, but this is the error message I am getting: "This application has been saved with the unicode of the following extensions: Registry2 (Registry2.mfx). Install the Unicode version of these extensions and then restart the program."
Hi Yves, is there a registry2 update to work with 64-bit OS? It seems to only be defaulting to the WOW6432Node key. Any extension update for this? I saw an a forum you worked on this for a user
Hi, it should always be online. How may users did you have connected to a channel? My software has a trial which I am disabling entirely. The trial has a 5 client connection limit or it stops after 4 hours. Let me send you an activation key.
Please login to see this link. - Here lacewing server software I created you can test on. You can run it locally or host it on a server across a network. You don't have to use any of the extra SQLite features built it. All you have to do is download the server software and run it. It's set as a trial, but if you like it I'll just send the activation key.
You may be getting this if user account control is enabled on the users account. Another problem could be the application you compiled is set as invoker in the application properties. As a test, try building the application and set from invoker to administrator.
Are there any fusion developers located in Long Island New York? I have a full-time job position in our office with a good salary. If you are interested please send me a private message. This is focusing on application development and not gaming.
Lacewing experience is a plus. SQL knowledge is a plus.
Are there any fusion developers located in Long Island New York? I have a full-time job position in our office with a good salary. If you are interested please send me a private message. This is focusing on application development and not gaming.
You should also get in the habit of using variables paths. In the expressions of the file object you will see them for user directories, temp directories, etc.. Example apppath$+"\Folder\data.txt"