Posts by mutantdude

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Mine was a final xcode project. I think what happened was that I deleted the AdMob object, but didn't save the MFA before building. It must be building from the current saved MFA. Anyway, I tried building a final project again, and also got rid of xcode 8 in favour of 7.3.1. Now I just have the chartboost errors as described in my last post.

    And I do agree, what Clickteam has been doing is really amazing. It can't be a very easy task trying to keep up with all these new SDKs, integrate them with the objects in Fusion, and have everything work with new versions of xcode and iOS.

    I've been trying to get my app to build in xcode for the past few days. The build fails every time due to errors related to Chartboost. I had been using xcode 8, but I downgraded to 7.3.1 to see if that would make a difference, which it hadn't. The following are the specs if they make any difference.

    Fusion Developer 2.5 build 286.6 (Clicked 'check for update', says current version is up-to-date.)
    Chartboost Object v2.1
    Built as final xcode project (zip file created on the PC, copied to dropbox, copied onto the MAC, and then opened)
    Xcode 7.3.1
    Bitcode turned off
    Deployment Target: 6.1
    Building on an iPhone 4S

    The first attempt at building comes up with 1 error:

    'Chartboost/Chartboost.h' file not found

    I downloaded the SDK from the Chartboost website, added in the Chartboost framework, and now I get these 12 errors:

    Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
    "_SecPolicyCreateSSL", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecTrustSetPolicies", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecCertificateCopyData", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecTrustGetCertificateCount", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecTrustGetCertificateAtIndex", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecCertificateCreateWithData", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy setPinnedCertificates:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecPolicyCreateBasicX509", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy setPinnedCertificates:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecTrustCreateWithCertificates", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy setPinnedCertificates:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecTrustEvaluate", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy setPinnedCertificates:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    _AFServerTrustIsValid in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    "_SecTrustCopyPublicKey", referenced from:
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy setPinnedCertificates:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    -[Chartboost_AFSecurityPolicy evaluateServerTrust:forDomain:] in Chartboost(AFSecurityPolicy.o)
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

    Any ideas on how to get this to work?

    In Xcode 8 I get the following errors when trying to build:

    clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/jonathanduggan/Documents/Fall/xcode/Fall_Pit/Classes/Extensions/CRunAdMob.m'
    clang: error: no input files

    I don't understand why I'm getting this, I'm not even using AdMob. The object is not in my game in Fusion, nor are there any events for it. I used to have it but it was taken out a long time ago and replaced with Chartboost. (The object and everything related to it was deleted.)

    This is also from building a final xcode project.

    Is AdMob supposed to be bundled in anyway even if it's not used?

    I want to provide a link within my iOS and Adnroid apps to my facebook and twitter pages. Is there a way to do this in CF 2.5? I've seen some extensions floating around, something like WebView and Open URL, but they don't seem to be available anymore, or at least I can't find them.

    Yes, The whole process of setting it up in the Google Play Developer Console under Game Services, getting the id number, linking the app, getting the SHA from the keystore file, setting up achievements and a leaderbaord, etc. I had previously completed all of those steps. An earlier version of my app has been live on the Google Play Store for the past few months, and it runs GPGS sign in, achievements, and leaderboard perfectly fine without any problems.

    Please login to see this link.

    I'm not sure where the problem lies, weather it's the exporter, the GPGS objects, my own settings, or something on Google's side. I'm still looking for ways to get it to not crash. I've noticed that viewing the leaderboard then exiting from the title screen causes a crash, but doing the same thing on the game over screen doesn't.

    The new version of the app I'm working on is not on the Play Store yet, but is uploaded as a beta. I don't want to publish it live if it crashes. The older version is there and works perfectly fine.

    I haven't tired it as a beta version, so I've uploaded one last night and just tried it out now. It doesn't make any difference. Still crashes after logging in, and after exiting the leaderboard. My setup isn't really any different than the Test Play Games example, and it used to work just fine without crashing.

    This is the apk that's having the problems:
    Please login to see this link.

    As the Google Play Game Services Objects are purchased separately from the Android Exporter and Fusion, how will updates to these objects be done?

    I just did a bit of playing around with the settings on the GPG Connector object such as: checking/unchecking Automatically Login at Start, Log In with UI Box, Log In with default account. Building with beta 285.2k These are the results I got for each scenario:

    [ ] Automatically Login at Start
    Start of Frame: Log In with default account
    Result: Instant crash

    [ ] Automatically Login at Start
    Start of Frame: Log In with UI Box
    Result: UI Box comes up, Crash after logging in. App runs fine after re-opening. Viewing leaderboard and then closing it causes crash.

    [ ] Automatically Login at Start
    Start of Frame: (nothing)
    Result: No login to GPGS, pressing button to open leaderboard does nothing

    [x] Automatically Login at Start
    Start of Frame: Log In with default account
    Result: Instant crash

    [x] Automatically Login at Start
    Start of Frame: Log In with UI Box
    Result: UI Box comes up, after selecting my e-mail it prompts me to Create a gamer ID (Even though I'm already using this e-mail on GPGS), app crashes after signing in. App runs fine after re-opening. Viewing leaderboard and then closing it causes crash.

    [x] Automatically Login at Start
    Start of Frame: (nothing)
    Result: UI Box comes up, Crash after logging in. App runs fine after re-opening. Viewing leaderboard and then closing it causes crash.

    Sorry for all of the posts, I thought it would be better to keep them all separate.

    If I do a new install of my app on my phone and open it for the first time, the Google Play Games pop-up will show and ask me to select an account to sign-in to. After signing in, the app crashes. But then I'm able to open the app a second time and have it all work no problem.

    Is anyone else experiencing this? Is there a fix for it?

    APK for testing: Please login to see this link.

    I'm not sure if this is a bug in the latest beta, or if I did something wrong. I made a new build of my app which now shows another permission line added to it before installation:

    Install this application? It will have access to:
    (Under Privacy) "modify or delete the contents of your SD card; read the contents of your SD card"

    The only permission I have checked off is BILLING, which is also listed but should be there.

    How do I remove SD card access?

    Screenshot: Please login to see this link.

    I have been going back and fourth between the latest beta version of the Android Exporter and version 284.10. I've been doing this by un-installing from the Window Control Panel, and then re-installing the older version I received when I bought the exporter, then installing the latest by going to 'Check for Update' in Fusion.

    However, I now get an error from the Control Panel when trying to un-install:

    "An error occurred while trying to uninstall Clickteam Fusion Developer 2.5 Android Exporter. It may have already been uninstalled.
    Would you like to remove Clickteam Fusion Developer 2.5 Android Exporter from the Programs and Features list?"

    If I click 'yes' it will disappear from the Programs and Features, no un-install happens, the exporter is still in Fusion, and I'm still able to build an apk with it.

    Is there a better way to remove a beta and go back to an older version? Has anyone else been having this problem?

    I am trying to integrate Chartboost in my iOS app. I've followed Sparkman's tutorial and loaded Perry's SDK. I can build and run my app from xcode, but the ads do not appear. I get this under All Output in xcode:

    2016-02-15 19:51:49.357 Fall_Pit[374:226496] Success appId, 56c124d3346b525030eb213b
    2016-02-15 19:51:49.366 Fall_Pit[374:226496] Success appSignature, 1cb5ff6b9327840ea198c5363c060cc7dc5cd400
    2016-02-15 19:51:49.644 Fall_Pit[374:226496] no bundle for bundleID: (null)
    2016-02-15 19:51:51.722 Fall_Pit[374:226496] CoreData: warning: Unable to load class named 'CBHTTPRequestEntity' for entity 'CBHTTPRequestEntity'. Class not found, using default NSManagedObject instead.

    As far as I'm aware, Chartboost only does interstitial ads, or I could be wrong about that? I don't want to put interstitials in my apps as personally I find them annoying and could potentially drive users away. I usually like to use banners.

    Since iAd is on it's way out, is there, or will there be another option to put in banner ads in iOS, perhaps using AdMob?

    Yay for post number 1000!

    My newest game, Fall Pit is now available on the Apple App Store and Google Play. Follow the links below or type "Fall Pit" in the search field on the app store.

    Drop a ball down a bottomless pit, tilt your device to swerve around obstacles, collect power-ups along the way, and see how far you can fall without crashing into an obstacle.

    iOS: Please login to see this link.

    Android: Please login to see this link.

    I have updated the two links I've posted with the frame rate counters. I also replaced the ogg sounds back to wav, most of the sounds are 1 or 2 seconds long with the longest being 5 seconds. The also have lower bitrates and are in mono. Again, the sound problems I used to have seem to be resolved in the latest beta. Now it's a framerate issue.

    I've been having a few friends test out the app as well. It seems to do different things depending on the device. They download my release version from the Google Play store, which was built using 284.10. The sounds work for some but not for others. I also noticed yesterday that one of my friends is getting random slow downs on this version, although she has a much older device. I guess it must be difficult to get an overall fix that will work on all devices.

    Here is the same app built on two different runtimes, with no change in the code.

    284.10: Please login to see this link.

    285.2d: Please login to see this link.

    I actually don't know if there is a version that will completely work for me. I used to use a much older runtime which worked just fine, which was the version I received when I first bought the exporter (283.5 I think.) Since I added Google Play Games Services objects (leaderboard and achievements), I had to upgrade to the latest version, 284.10. I'm not sure what the earliest version would be that supports these objects. The problem with 284.10 is that most of the sounds only play once or twice. That issue seems to have been resolved in 285.2c (plus I converted the sounds to ogg and lowered the bitrate.) With 285.2c, I can build an apk and install it on my device, but it immediately crashes once I launch it. With 285.2d, there is no crash, the sounds work great, but it runs slow as I had described earlier.

    The game is set to run at 60 FPS. As mentioned already, it uses Google Play Connector, Leaderboards, and Achievements objects. It also uses Ini to save the player's high score, and whether or not the player had seen the tutorial. And it uses AdMob, Accelerometer, Andriod, and Layer Objects. I have iOS, Game Center Connect, GC Leaderboard, and GC Achievements objects, but I understand these will do nothing in an Android app. Android and iOS specific events are separated in groups that I activate or deactivate depending on the platform I'm building for.

    I'm also using fast loops to pull the obstacles up the screen. At the start of the game they are pulled up 10 pixels every 0.02 seconds by running a loop that sets the Y position to Y-1 10 times. That number increases to 11 once the player gets a score of 250, then 12 at 500, 13 at 750, etc. increasing at every increment of 250. I had looked at ways to get around not using a fast loop. Originally, I just had the obstacles set their positions to Y-10. A new piece of wall is created once the last one reaches a certain position. Without the loop, I had the walls either miss that position or I had gaps between them.

    The iOS version will be on the Apple App Store tomorrow if you want to make another comparison. For now I will put up the 284.10 version onto Google Play, the speed works well on this version and it doesn't matter to me if a few sounds don't play for some people, I'll just update it once a stable runtime is out.

    Hi everyone, I'm experiencing slow-downs as well on my Samsung Galaxy S6, which is only two months old, using beta version 285.2d. My app used to run very smoothly in the older runtimes, but now it constantly struggles and randomly speeds up and slows down. This could just be a new bug in the beta runtime.