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What I'll probably do is replicate the number pad keybaord like what I did with the iOS toggle switch (which I need to re-upload because it's 404'd). I'll add it to the examples section when I've don it
That's exactly what I wanted thanks! I now need to do a bit of experimentation to make it come up with the native iOS number keyboard.
Thank you!!
Hello everyone,
Could someone please explain how I could make a text box that added the currency symbol and decimal point in the right place when typing. I have uploaded a video which shows exactly what I'm looking for: Please login to see this link.
Hope someone can help.
Oooh detect gestures
Thanks Tim! I did download the beta but didn't get round to using it
Box 2D should work just fine if someone made it into an extension. I read that Angry Birds uses Box2D
Tiny Wings used Box2d too, it says in the credits
Does this require Developer or does it work with MMF2 Standard?
I would make it myself too if I knew how to make extensions for the iOS exporter. Phi made a tutorial series but it doesn't apply to iOS. I'd really love to know how to do it. I'd even be willing to pay for a video tutorial or something depending on how much it was
Thanks for all of the great extensions you've made.
Just by chance of having my iPhone (iOS6) selected instead of my iPod (iOS5) in Xcode, I found out that my app works! I don't know why. I'll let you know if it breaks again
It's not an extension but I wanted to cover all areas of where people would look.
Here is a link to the thread: Please login to see this link.
Hope you like it
I've replicated the iOS 5 Toggle Switch behavior as best as I can.
Just copy and paste whatever one you want into your app
making sure it has the Multiple Touch object on it.
The switches use flags (just look on the event editor).
I'm sure you'll work them out
You can click to toggle or drag and drop them.
I'd love to see these being used so let me
know how you've used them
Please login to see this link.
Here's the story behind that: Please login to see this link.
How's it getting on? I'll send you a PM as I am interested in helping you test this
The 10 warnigs must have been a bad build but the orientation is till messed up. It work fine on my 5.1 iPod touch and the old Xcode.
I'm just wondering if we'll get any support for iOS6 soon because my app isn't working with it. The orientation is messed up and the accelerometer stuff isn't working. Also about 10 warnings in the new Xcode. Thanks.
Thanks, I sort of worked it out earlier.
There is a problem with the order of the boxes though. I'm dragging and dropping 'boxes' in the way of the line but when I put the one underneath the other it skips it. Do you know how to fix it?
I think while people are actually using it is the time for us to use it. Facebook may be like My Space in 1 or 2 years, you never know. Plus it should be super easy to implement Facebook now it has been added to iOS6.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)