Hi all,
Our latest exe is being falsely reported as a Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml by Windows Defender.
Please login to see this link.
Kaspersky and AVG have no issues with it.
Advice ...
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Open a TicketHi all,
Our latest exe is being falsely reported as a Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml by Windows Defender.
Please login to see this link.
Kaspersky and AVG have no issues with it.
Advice ...
Hi Yves, in our installer, we use the #title macro for our version number
I've managed to get working what I want to (minus the size - without manually entering the total size of our program). See the following github post: Please login to see this link.
Q) Is it a bug that the size is not listed in the "Programs and Features"?
See this image: Please login to see this link. (github)
Hi all,
I'm adding registry keys for the uninstaller information (version, publisher, comments etc [Please login to see this link.]).
I'm wondering, we use the #title macro for our version of our software as it makes our lives easier; can this title macro be used to enter the "DisplayVersion" registry key?
Key = SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Mods Studio 2
Subkey = DisplayVersion
Value = #title
Thank you for this. I was looking for this
Question is in the title.
Wondering if ICP 3 has been cancelled?
The above script has evolved to this:
If wanting to use this yourself, feel free to amend where necessary.
@echo offTitle Mod Studio 2 .NET Core Check (written by pete_someguy)
:: Check for DotNet Core v5
echo v5.0.15
echo Checking your computer for .Net Core v5 which is required by Mod Studio 2 ...
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set OutputFilename=%TEMP%\MS2netcorecheck.log
WHERE dotnet >nul 2>&1
Goto :InstallDotNet
:: Send dotnet results to output log file and find relevant core version
dotnet --list-runtimes | find /i "Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 5" | find /i /V "-rc" >nul 2>&1
:: If search result is positive then
IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 (
DEL /F /Q %TEMP%\MS2netcorecheck.log
@dotnet --list-runtimes > "!OutputFilename!"
echo .Net Core v5 is already installed; therefore you do not need to download it.
echo Please press any key to close this window.
pause >nul
Goto :SkipDotNet
) else (
DEL /F /Q %TEMP%\MS2netcorecheck.log
@dotnet --list-runtimes > "!OutputFilename!"
Goto :InstallDotNet
::Install DotNet Core v5
echo .Net Core v5 is NOT installed.
echo Please download and install 64 bit .Net Core v5 now ...
echo Please do NOT click on the close button as this will not load the download page.
echo To be taken to the 64 bit .Net Core v5 download page now, please press any key.
echo NOTE: You may need to click on the manual download link (follow Microsoft web site instructions).
Start "" https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-5.0.15-windows-x64-installer
Display More
Our installers start menu shortcuts and desktop shortcut no longer work as should do which is causing issues. Seems to be a permissions issue.
NOTE: I could not report this via Please login to see this link. as it just brings me back to the main community support page???
Desktop shortcut:
Desktop shortcut permissions are not as what should be:
Please login to see this link.
Please login to see this link.
Due to the incorrect permissions, our app is not closing properly after being run from this shortcut (i.e. the app has to be killed via task manager). In order to fix; a user has to delete the desktop shortcut created by the installer and create it manually.
Start Menu shortcut:
Similarly, the permissions for the start menu shortcuts are causing the same issues as desktop shortcuts.
Please login to see this link.
Please fix as soon as you can. Thank you.
So it seems the code above doesn't work correctly if the user doesn't have .net installed. However the following edits allow it to work fully:
QuoteDisplay MoreI fixed it by adding the following before the 1st "dotnet --list-runtimes":
WHERE dotnet >nul 2>&1
Goto :InstallDotNet
:: Send dotnet results to output log file and find relevant core version
dotnet --list-runtimes | find /i "Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App 5" | find /i /V "-rc" >nul 2>&1
:: If search result is positive then ...
IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 (
) else (
DEL /F /Q %TEMP%\MS2netcorecheck.log
@dotnet --list-runtimes > "!OutputFilename!"
Goto :InstallDotNet
::Install .Net Core v5
Start ""
To write from batch to a file, use
echo Installed > output.txt
The > output means the standard output lines (as opposed to standard error, 2>) will go to the text file.
The dotnet list--runtimes could work if you output it with >, then use FIND/FINDSTR.Alternatively, as seen in the REG line, you can pass the results directly to FIND/FINDSTR with the | operator.
Program1 | Program2
...means Program2 will get Program1's output as Program2's input.
Thank you Phi.
I have managed to accomplish the checking on net core using the dotnet --list-runtimes command instead of registry key
If anyone else wants the code, here it is:
@echo off
Title Mod Studio 2 .NET Core Check
:: Check for .Net Core v3.1
echo Checking your computer for .Net Core v3.1 which is required by Mod Studio 2 ...
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set OutputFilename=%TEMP%\MS2netcorecheck.log
:: Send dotnet results to output log file and find relevant core version
dotnet --list-runtimes | FIND "Microsoft.NETCore.App 3.1" > "!OutputFilename!"
:: If search result is positive then ...
IF %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 (
DEL /F /Q %TEMP%\MS2netcorecheck.log
@dotnet --list-runtimes > "!OutputFilename!"
echo .Net Core v3.1 is already installed; therefore you do not need to download it.
echo Please press any key to close this window.
pause >nul
Goto :SkipDotNet
) else (
DEL /F /Q %TEMP%\MS2netcorecheck.log
@dotnet --list-runtimes > "!OutputFilename!"
echo .Net Core v3.1 is NOT installed.
echo Please download and install .Net Core v3.1 now ...
echo Please do NOT click on the close button as this will not load the download page.
echo To be taken to the .Net Core v3.1 download page now, please press any key.
::Install .Net Core v3.1
Start "" https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/thank-you/runtime-desktop-3.1.3-windows-x64-installer
Display More
Hi all,
We at MS2 would like to ask politely for a new feature.
Current ICP allows us developers to choose what start menu options to produce as well as desktop shortcuts. We like that; however we would prefer to provide the user the option but currently this cannot be achieved in ICP.
The below screenshot is what we are hoping can be implemented in some way:
Please login to see this picture.
Disregard. Seems that the icon index did not work how I thought it did. Misunderstood the feature. Once icon index was set as 0 for each start menu option, everything works as should. My apologies.
Hi all,
Couple of issues I've come across with build #45 on Win 10 Pro x64 (20H2):
1) Uninstaller shortcut does not work on Win 10 start menu. I suspect this is due to the OS right click menu on app in start menu > select uninstall app > os loads control panel's Program and Features so you may uninstall from there?
2) icon issues
a) Assigned "ms2.ico" icon file to x2 files: "ModStudio2UI.exe" and "ModStudio2UIExporter.exe". Works for the former but not for the latter (ModStudio2UIExporter.exe).
Please login to see this link.
Please login to see this link.
b) Notice that the "UV Exporter (templates) start menu link doesn't include the icon I selected.
c) Also notice that the html file links (Show your support, Support and Troubleshooting and Tutorials) in the start menu don't show icons for the default browser.
If you need anything else, please reply and I shall reply when I can.
PS: Could not report via bug system so had to put this here.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)