I'm noticing that my INI data is resetting every now and again when testing my game on xbox.
I test all my changes on xbox by building and deploying and 95% of the time the INI data is working, but occasionally I start testing and the sound is off in the game, which alerts me to the fact the INI data has reset somehow.
Is anyone else finding this, and it's just a testing thing, or have I coded the INI wrong and therefore this is likely to occur when actually running properly?
Can someone who knows their stuff briefly outline how the INI files are saved with regard to profiles/system players?
Actually, this might help
My current setup polls for system player at the splash screen with a START press as usual.
This start press (assuming the Alias is >0 - thanks CJ) does all my value setting, then under the XNA conditions I set sys player index to 1, assign gamepads 1 to 1 and open storage device. These change according to the controller pressing start naturally.
Then on the next screen (menu) I load all the INI data at the start of the frame (this didn't seem to cause any problems the first time I did it, but is this bad? Do I need to use an INI data check condition instead of just start of frame? To load the data I'm simply setting all the appropriate global values to the INI values
To save data, on my options screen I have a SAVE group which activates when you leave, and this group has the event: alias$>0 system player: set all the INI data parts to the global values (which you can edit on this options menu)
Those are the only 3 pages which have a major effect on the INI, but I also use some basic stuff on other pages:
- Medal page (achievements/unlock system): this simply highlights medals you have, and allows you to clear them - which deletes ONLY the medals groups of the INI - this works fine and doesn't change any settings when I use it.
- Post game stats page: used to unlock medals earned via gameplay. Doesn't delete any data and just essentially sets a binary switch when you earn it which is tested against on other pages (inc the medals page)
- I also use the INI in other pages to just check whether you've unlock medals - there's no changes made to the INI made
Is there anything wrong with what I'm doing here?