Posts by Cybert9

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Okay, I just tried the download link again. It still doesn't work, but this time I accidentally scrolled down and now I can see an error message. It says:

    Passport Error
    You can only get 2 links per product, per day.

    Anyone know what that means? I tried (successfully) to download the Update patch last night. But I haven't downloaded anything else...

    I've contacted Clickteam about this problem and hopefully they will get back to me soon, but as it's the weekend I might not hear from them until Monday. So in the mean time I'm wondering if anyone else can help me.

    I own Fusion 2.5 (Developer) and most of the exporters, but three or four months ago I ran out of room on my SSD, and since I hadn't used Fusion in awhile I manually dragged the folder to my normal hard drive. I knew this would probably break it, but I figured I would deal with it later.

    Well... it's later.

    As expected, when I try to launch Fusion from my hard drive the loading screen is full of garbage and then the program crashes. So I cleared up some room on my SSD and moved the folder back to where it used to be. Now Fusion loads just fine, but when I try to do anything it just locks up and forces me to ALT+F4 to shut it down.

    I figured I would have to download the program again, so I logged onto the Clickteam website and tried to use the Community Passport feature to download a new version. Unfortunately, when I click the download link nothing happens. The last time this happened Jeff had to make a Dropbox version for me, but of course that link has expired now.

    The Owner's Lounge has a download link, but that tries to patch my existing installation... which it can't find or recognize.

    I tried to download the Free version and upgrade that using my serial number, but no luck there either.

    Any suggestions? Is there a way to repair my registry so the program starts working again? (I assume this got messed up after I moved the folder.)

    Thanks for any help...

    * * *

    UPDATE: I was finally able to download a new version of Fusion 2.5 (Developer) using the Community Passport feature. The problem I was having before (for over a year) was that when I click on the "Downloads" button, and then "Product Installer", the little menu at the bottom of the screen turns gray and... nothing happens. I finally realized that I have to scroll my browser window DOWN to find the "Download" link at the bottom of the menu. This link, and any error messages, are completely hidden by my taskbar... so I had no idea they were there.

    I feel like an idiot because I've never heard anyone else complain about this problem, but it had me completely stumped for a very long time. Anyway, Fusion is updated and working again so I guess that's all that matters now. :)

    A few weeks ago I made a very simple HTML5 program and uploaded it to my website. Worked like a charm.

    I've been working on a small game and it looks fine when I "Build and run", but when I upload it I just get a blank screen.

    As a simple test I started a new [simpler] app:

    1. 1 frame (960x640)
    2. Includes a tiling Quick Backdrop object
    3. Includes a small active object with 8 frames of animation

    Again, it looks perfect when I do a "Build and run". But when I upload all the files to my website I see a white screen, no Backdrop, and a default active object flickering on and off in the middle of the screen.

    Any ideas???


    NOTES: Everything looks fine after the upload. Index.html is in the root folder and the Resources folder seems to have all the right files in it. I'm seeing the Clickteam logo at the bottom of the [Chrome] browser window. Also, I made sure Fusion 2.5 and the exporters are all the latest versions...

    Oh, when I upload all my files I see an error that looks like this:

    "Warning: ftp_put(): Can't open that file: No such file or directory in /usr/local/zp/share/ftp/includes/ on line 1283"

    Could that be causing a problem?

    This morning I made a very simple level editor, which works great, but I can't get my level to actually *LOAD* in the game. Maybe what I'm trying to do isn't possible. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

    My .ini file looks like this:

    Object Total=3
    Level Width=960
    Level Height=640
    [Object 1]
    Object Name=0
    Object X=687
    Object Y=271
    [Object 2]
    Object Name=0
    Object X=318
    Object Y=350
    [Object 3]
    Object Name=1
    Object X=400
    Object Y=200

    1. My game has 2 objects named "0" and "1". They both use the same qualifier.
    2. I start a loop [Object Total] times
    3. On each loop I create an object by name [Object Name]
    4. In the same row I use the qualifier Group to set the X [Object X] and Y [Object Y] of the newly created object

    Seems really straightforward, unfortunately, it's not working. Can I create objects by name from within a fast loop? (A fast loop that is pulling the information from an .ini file)?

    AAARGH! ;) I make prototypes at work and I just want to be able to share them with my team. (I'm on PC and everyone else is on Mac.)

    I bought the HTML5 exporter during the recent sale and I was so excited. I created a simple game and then tried to run it from my browser. BZZZZZT... that doesn't work, of course.

    Okay, no problem I'll just put it on my portfolio website -- only I found that Weebly supports .swf files, but NOT HTML5.

    What about DropBox? I KNOW that will work... except it doesn't because if you created your account after 2012 you don't get access to the Public Folder. (Without paying, which I may have to do.)

    Finally, I turned to GoogleDrive... Surely, trustworthy Google won't let me know. Nope. They automatically flagged my index.html file for review, which is going to take a couple of days.

    I used the .swf exporter at my old job and it was pretty easy to just e-mail someone the .swf file. This HTML5 stuff has turned into a minor nightmare. ;)

    I *just* deleted the files and uploaded another test. Maybe that caused a problem. When I tried to "test" my app using the Build and Run button in Fusion 2.5 I got a Windows Firewall conflict. I resolved that and made another build, but it's still doing the same thing.

    I uploaded a folder called "Test4" and shared that folder. It contains index.html and two folders: "src" and "resources". (I assume by sharing the parent folder that everything inside got shared, as well.)

    One thing that seems odd is that the index.html file almost looks like it has garbage in it. For example, here are a few lines:

    <p align="center">Clickteam Fusion Developer 2.5 HTML5 template.</p>
    <!-- Clickteam logo, encoded within the html code.-->
    <div align="center"><a href="Please login to see this link."><img src=""></a>

    Is it supposed to look like that???

    My first HTML5 "game" was a very simple test of the physics engine. Thinking that might be a problem, I created a new program with 1 active object and only a few lines of "code".

    Followed the instructions in the new tutorial to the letter but I'm still getting the same results. Here's the link:

    Please login to see this link.

    Please login to see this link.

    Thanks Advaith.

    Thanks for the tips about DropBox. I switched to GoogleDrive and have carefully followed the instructions in the tutorial linked above but I can't get it to work for the life of me.

    I created a simple HTML5 game and made a "Final Project" build. Then I saved the folder to GoogleDrive. (It has an "index.html" file, an "src" folder, and a "resources" folder.) After that, I Shared the folder and got the ID number. Then I opened a new browser Tab and typed: Please login to see this link.[shareable ID]

    Instead of my game appearing, I see a Google Drive header and then a file listing showing my two folders: "src" and "resources"

    What am I doing wrong???

    Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.

    Reviving an old thread as I'm having the same problem as the original poster.

    1. Made a simple HTML5 app. (I bought the exporter yesterday.)

    2. Made a build and saved it to Dropbox.

    3. Shared the folder(s) and copied the Public Link to index.html.

    4. Pasted the link in Chrome. (Generates: "Browser does not support Canvas" error)

    5. Pasted the link in IE. (Just prompts me to Save the index file.)

    What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

    I used Multimedia Fusion (and MMF2) for many years, but I'm fairly new to Fusion 2.5 and I can't seem to get the new "for each" stuff to work. What I'm trying to do is very basic so I'm not sure why I'm struggling with it:

    I have 6 instances of an active object called "my_object"

    Here's my code:

    Start loop for each one of [my_object], loop name "MyLoop"

    On Loop "MyLoop":
    Set [my_object].y to [my_object].y -1

    When I run the game "my_object" doesn't move. What am I doing wrong?

    I purchased Fusion 2.5 (Developer Edition) awhile back but lost my serial code. Jeff looked up my account last night and sent me the code, but when I try to download the installer on the Community Passport page nothing happens. (I am on a new computer, so I have to do a full/fresh install.)

    I'm using Chrome and when I click on the "Product Installer" link nothing happens. I think I'm supposed to get a popup to download the game, right? Is there any other way to download the installer? The Owner's Lounge only seems to have Updates...

    I switched over to Internet Explorer and had the same problem. I contacted Jeff about the issue but while waiting for a response I thought I would check the forums.


    I recently accepted a game design job in Paris France, so my wife and I are trying to learn some French. I'd like to use Fusion 2.5 to make some flash cards and it would be really helpful if the computer could read the French text on the cards. (There are some online Flash Card programs that do this -- like "Quizlet" -- but I haven't found one that I like.)

    Has anyone gotten text-to-speech working with Fusion? I think there was an extension for MMF but I'm not finding an updated version... Thanks!

    Okay, I just started chopping lines from the bottom of my Events List until I got it to work. The offending line had to do with The Timer. Is that a known issue with the SWF exporter?

    My prototype is 68 lines, and the only way it will export correctly to Flash is if I remove every event that starts with: * Every 00"-XX

    I just tried to add the following event to the bottom of my prototype:

    * Every 00:"-10
    - Add 1 to alterable value A (of an object)

    When I try to run the SWF nothing appears on my screen. If I take that line out (or remove the Action) the SWF works fine.

    Again, is this a known issue with The Timer?

    UPDATE: Ahhh. The Timers were controlling my alpha effects. (Which are apparently an issue with Flash/the Exporter.) Though, that doesn't explain why simply changing an alterable value would cause a problem (above).

    Jeff helped me get the exporter installed, so I'm good there, but I just tried to export my [relatively simple] prototype to a SWF file and it doesn't work. When I double click the HTML (or drag the SWF to a browser window) the screen turns white and then... nothing. Any suggestions? I'm not even sure where to *start* looking for the issue.

    Here is some info about my prototype that may be important:

    1. My prototype is currently 768 x 1024. Is that Window size causing an issue, perhaps? (I was going to put this on my phone, but it wasn't worth dealing with Apple's provisioning profile nonsense.)

    2. My prototype is just one screen. It does NOT fade in or anything. It just sits and waits for someone to tap the space bar. Then I move some stuff around, create a few active objects, play a few explosions, etc. I've also got about a dozen sound effects.

    3. I AM using some alpha effects. I just learned that these might not work in Flash. But again, my background isn't even appearing at this point.

    NOTE: I made a simple app with just one active object. That exported to Flash just fine.