Hey guys.
I have been a long time member of this community, and long time user of the Click products. I do a lot of tinkering in programming, as well as 2d and 3d art work. With the mobile platform being so massive now, and everyone wanting to create the next big thing, i wanted to offer my skills for hire. I realize hiring a external contractor can be rough, trust me i've been burned myself, but since i am a long time member here i figured that gives me some street cred, evaluating to a little more trust then just a random freelancer_001.
Since i have a full time day job, this sort of thing is a hobby for me, so i do not need to make the same wage as a contractor that is relying on selling their art in order to pay the mortgage, for me it is simply a little extra cash on the side.
I have improved my skills over the years, and have been getting pretty good in developing vector graphics, which I then size to your needs (be it for display on a large PC monitor or a mobile size screen. Then i export then to .png (which can be imported with transparency into Click Fusion) I feel that sizing the art ahead of time helps out a lot, re-sizing inside of Fusion, or any application really, takes away from the image, knowing what resolution your going to use ahead of time will allow me to build the images to meet those needs so minimal re-sizing inside of Fusion would be needed.
I will say up front, that I am no expert, I am all self taught. If you are looking for heavily detailed character art with multiple animations, you will most likely need to find a professional artist and pay there fees for that. My expertise is more simple stuff like props and non animated items, although I can created basic animations for props etc.
Of course the regular licensing applies, where you can use the art for your games etc, but you can not re-sell or give away the art itself, alone or in a package. I require no credits be given to me, your payment for my efforts is all that is required, but i still maintain copyright, and you may not claim ownership of the art itself.
The reason i am offering my services is that I know it is a pain to get the art you need for your game idea, there are a large variety of sites that sell 2D art, but it is never a package with all the elements you need for your game, just mostly generic tile sets etc or limited elements to develop a level or two. I have even sold some of my own works on those sites, but feel going right to the community and asking them is the best way to really do it.
below are some attachments with my work
If you are interested in some graphics for your games, email me method72@gmail.com
if your needs are within the abilities of my skill set, we can work out a fair price (payments via paypal)
- Sam
PS: you can go to Please login to see this link. and click the 2D link for a fullsize view of the attachments.
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