Hello there, well i have met with programming on Commodore 64 BASIC, then met with AMIGA 500 and AMOS BASIC, that was so amazing for me and i figured out many things that i could able to make a guy walking from left to right (or contrary, could not remember) and flying bird right to left, bird drops something and guy explodes, last thing i was remembering François Lionet, and many years later i remember his name, googled and found something similar to AMOS, MMF2. I was so excited and bought it, later bought CF2.5 and export modules. The most important thing is easy to make games, if you know some english you can make games with this program (my english is not as good as anyone in europe by the way because i live in istanbul, not have chance to practice every day)
i have not bought firefly but downloaded example game, choco break, it is not so nice to try (sorry, maybe it could be better) but it does not mean its useless
for me and for many people (i think), the most important things are that :
easy to use (knowing some english would be enough)
easy to make online game (maybe some basic knowledge needed)
easy to add 3d characters from MAYA or 3dMax or something else
well thats all for now
thanks for making a great program and remember that we could able to do things above just having (lets say) CF3, not have to buy exports or some other things
(making online game on ios android etc. makes CF3 more famous, focus on those first, for complete 3D game design, there are many programs and they are more complex and i (and many) cant use because i(we) have to learn code
,so focus on easy to make online games, easy to add 3d characters)
sorry for making this long but not to misunderstand (because of my english) i want to give an example, check out Lara Croft Go (windows, released today i think), its maps, i think CF can do same, also imagine it is easy to play with friends online, than
CF would be the most famous engine, believe me)