Hey, even the video, awesome! It works perfectly, thank you!
Of course, it's a bit of a strange process to embed a video file, but in the end, it's the result that counts.
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Hey, even the video, awesome! It works perfectly, thank you!
Of course, it's a bit of a strange process to embed a video file, but in the end, it's the result that counts.
I got it to work, I even removed the video file from my PC and it still worked. You just need to tick 'include external files' in the Windows - properities tab.
Thank you for pointing this out to me. I tried doing what you say, but even then, it didn't work for me. That's strange.
There seems to be a problem reading a video file extracted from the binary format.
Once the mp4 is inserted in binary format and extracted, Active Direct Show can't load and play the file.
Curiously, if I launch the exe in the same folder in which it was created (even if I delete the video from the folder), the video plays, but if I change computers or simply folder, the video no longer starts.
Please login to see this attachment.
Reducing the font size solved the problem, thank you!
Thank you for the excellent update.
I have noticed a problem, in the Grid Setup, it's no longer possible to select a number higher than 9999, previously it was possible to set a higher number, I for example had set 11000, could you please increase the value again?
Is there a workaround to set it manually now?
Sorry for the delay, should be fixed in the next build for sub-apps that have the "Display as sprite" option (I've also added a backward compatibilty option in the properties just in case this would cause issues to existing apps). I didn't fix it for subapps with their own windows though (= sub-apps without the Display As Sprite option), hopefully not a problem for you.
That's great, thank you!
The sub-app, with a custom size, when used on a monitor with a different resolution than the application, doesn't recognize the X Y position correctly.
Also, even when used as a sprite, the sub-app doesn't scale proportionally to the difference in monitor resolution.
Please check the example and try it with monitors with different resolutions to those in the app which is 2560x1440.
the "Window Control" Object doesn't seem to detect resolutions higher than 2K. I am not sure because I only tried it on a 4K TV (3840x2160), when I tried, the "Window Control" object incorrectly indicated a resolution of 1280x720.
Could anyone else try it on a 4K or 8K monitor to check if it works?
I have attached a simple MFA to use for testing.
Sorry had no time to look at your MFA yet, I'm slow, I got covid for 3 days... I'll check and I'll let you know.
Ok, best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Yves That sub app problem I pointed you to is a serious problem for me. Would it be possible to send you a PM?
Hi, I found a problem with the Sub-app.
Basically, you can't position it at certain coordinates, Also if the monitor resolution changes, it doesn't scale to fit the new resolution and position XY.
Try changing monitors with different resolutions to better observe the issue.
I have attached an example.
Even the "Follow the frame" option doesn't seem to make any difference.
Hi, I found a problem with the Sub-app.
Basically, you can't position it at certain coordinates, Also if the monitor resolution changes, it doesn't scale to fit the new resolution and position XY.
Try changing monitors with different resolutions to better observe the issue.
I have attached an example.
Would it be possible to add a Blend coefficient option to the subapplications?
Probably a bit long to do for 2.5.
I see. I'll take the opportunity to ask, would it be possible to coordinate the Physics - Engine with the framerate?
I have tried to make a game that uses bullet time, with enemies and items using the physics engine (physics static movement), but when bullet-time is triggered (bullet-time drops the framerate from 60 to 27), everything seems to be in slow motion except for the physics objects that keep falling at the same speed as before (60 fps).
I also imagine that if the frame drop is unintentional, physical objects would behave the same way, giving a weird look.
Yves, would it be possible to add the possibility of adding folders to the Storyboard editor?
Well, some shaders are quite simple to combine, while at it, I did a small optimization.
It works great, thank you very much.
Hi guys, I would need to merge two shaders together so that I have one shader with both functions.
Basically, I need to flip an object and, on certain occasions to add a hole to it.
The shaders are:
- Flip (Complex-softwares / Masks)
- Hole (Shader pack / Effects)
Could someone be so kind as to help me?
Thanks in advance.
Great update. Thank you, ClickTeam!
I have attached the shader. However, in my opinion, if the problem is the collision mask of the Active Objects, Clicktream could, in the meantime, ignore the problem, make a 'flippable' active object, specifying that at the moment, if this feature is used, the collision system does not work.
This solution, would make many of us happy, also because advanced users don't always use the main sprite for collisions.
Moreover, sometimes it does not matter whether Active Object collides or not, whether it is used for backgrounds or non-player characters, etc.
Crian there is already an official flip shader and it comes with Fusion, it's even ported to Android/iOS/Mac already.
And I'm not sure what you mean by hotspot jitters... Can you make a gif or video of it?
Here is an example.
When the sprite is flipped, it swings like a boat left and right.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)