Posts by Kracker

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    It's been a few years since I've used Clickteam products. Many years ago I had purchased Fusion Developer on CD. Unfrotunaltey, that seems longer accessible as I see no way to install it and then upgrade easily. However, back in 2016 I had purchased Fusion 2.5 and the Developer Upgrade along with all of the exporters (e.g. Android, iOS, HTML5, and UWP. This was Humble Bundle pack and was distributed through Steam. I recently installed Steam, which shows these purchases, but no way to download.

    I've tried looking through what is considered the Temporary Passport section of the Clickteam Dashboard. However, the message at the top says that it'll be up and running within a week (Deck 18th-24th). I don't know what year that was posted, but it's still the only download section on here I can find when logged in. I'm assuming that was December 2023 or some year prior. Just curious on what's going on here and wondering if I need to contact Clickteam or Steam about access. In my Clickteam account it has my purchases also listed, but no way to download or info on how to download the products.

    I had actually forgotten I had posted this. However, I did just go back and try out what dsilvers suggested. I like to use layers at it makes it easier to see what I'm working on. It all depends on how complex of a software I'm creating. Sometimes I'll just create a couple layers, other times almost several layers as I group objects together on each layer. That allows me to hide the entire layer as I'm working on it (click the eye to hide a layer). I then just get the specs for each object (e.g. X and Y) so that it fits perfectly over the other and I can just keep hiding and showing objects as needed.

    As dsilvers suggested, on a condition, set the text of each Editbox to the text from the other one. I created two Editboxes. The first one was with the password option checked. The other without it checked. That way, when a checkbox is clicked it copies the string from the first editbox and sets it as the text in the other, and vice versa. Then I just disabled and made invisible the first editbox and enabled and made reappear the second editbox.

    I've attached an example MFA file of what I done.

    I would have to suspect some views are from bots. The bots category includes web crawlers. Over the past week my security system on my website has blocked a Google bot and a Pipl bot for trying to access files (i.e. pages) on my site that don't exist. The odd part was the pages it was looking for had never existed, which I found suspicious.

    What makes me wonder about human views vs bots is that some posts have almost 100 views with no responses at all. Granted, not everyone is going to respond to a post but it really makes one wonder.

    Is there an extension that has a conditional function to tell whether text (or string) is uppercase or lowercase character? The editbox is the input I'm using, however, the only conditional function it has is whether the text is (or isn't) a number.

    The full goal is to develop a password auditing tool for Windows (i.e. EXE). Tthe entropy calculations won't be an issue. The two main goals I have are:

    1. Determining whether each character of text is a number, uppercase or lowercase letter, or symbol.
    2. Count how many of each.

    I can then use that information to calculate the entropy. The second one, off the top of my head, will involve me using loops.

    Have resolved (so to speak) two of the three issues.

    The first issue is the help file. I stumbled upon a forum post I made back in 2011. The post was pretty much the same issue I'm having now with the "Application paused" dialog popping up. At the time, though there was also the issue of Fusion not being able to load CHM files. The suggestion was for me to use the File extension. I had forgotten that. I remembered I had originally used the File extension because Fusion couldn't open CHM files, but had forgotten about the Application paused. It seems the bug with Fusion not being able to open a help file natively (i.e. without the use of a separate extension) is an issue that's been around for eight years. While not a major issue, it's still one that I feel should have been resolved a long time ago considering there's an option in the main settings for the location of a help file. In addition,

    As for the subapplication, I actually found another version of my software I had started working on a year or so ago. I had implemented the subapplication feature I wanted. However, I didn't use the compiled subapplicaion (CCN). I just sed another frame, set the frame size to the size I wanted the dialog to be. Then, in the main frame, I added the subapplication (off screen), set it to not be created at startup. Then I had it be created at startup at a specific location (X,Y specified) using the Create New Object function. I have an OK button for users to click. On clicking the OK button, it ends the subapplication. This is a reason to not keep notes. I had also forgotten the reason why I went with the subapplication frame method. Obvious now I ended up doing that because a separate subapplication is just too much a pain in the butt to get working.

    So now I only have the one issue of my AV being paranoid. I know some may say this is an issue with my AV software, however, I beg to differ. I as well as a number of others have had issues over the years with well-known AV software flagging Fusion-developed software as malicious or potentially malicious. This is even for a simple Hello World type app that does nothing (literally).

    I haven't updated my software (i.e. the one I created with Fusion) in a year or so. Yesterday I went to update my software, compiled it, and then ran it. Seems there have been some changes within Fusion that are impacting my software. For years (since 2011) my software has worked just fine. It's a Windows executable. Now, I'm getting oddities or malfunctions.

    The first issue I noticed was the help file. When I click on Help > Contents in my application, it opens the CHM file, however, there's a small dialog box that pops up with a message saying "Application paused." There's a "Continue" button below that text. When I click Continue it closes out the dialog box. Why is this happening? In all these years this has never happened. Granted, the first few years I was using the File extension as, for whatever reason, MMF didn't play nicely with CHM files. Even though I could add a CHM file in the Help option of the main application's settings, the compiled application always gave an error. The workaround I figured out was to just open the CHM using the File extension. Few years later, Clickteam seemed to fix the bug. Now, all of a sudden, there's another issue with opening a Help file.

    The other issue is with subapplications. I have a small dialog box I created using a subapplication. I chose subapplication option as there's certain things I wanted to do that just couldn't be done in a dialog box. When the subapplication is triggered it goes to another frame, in which that frame is the size of the subapplication window. Now, this no longer works.

    I have the subapplication compiled (CCN). Under Data Elements I add the CCN file so that it's compiled with the EXE. When I go to trigger the subapplication in my main application I get an error message. The title of the dialog box just says Error. The message is the location of the subapplicaion in the AppData tmp directory. Following that location is "Error while opening file."

    Finally, I've noticed my AV (Avast) is scanning my compiled application every time I run it. In the past it was usually the issue of having "Compress the runtime" checked in the main settings. I've been having that disabled for years in all software I create with Fusion. Now, though, seems my software is triggering my AV every time I run it.

    Was searching the boards for PDF to see if anything had changed. Appears not. Some years ago I had requested a comets PIC extension as the one available was very buggy. Stephen said he was working on updating it but that was back in 2005.

    Please login to see this link.

    Only option I can see is using a command line tool like Ghostscript. That can convert data (e.g. txt, RTF, etc).

    Awesome! Much appreciated. I never really knew about this feature. For years I've used the Active System Box object to create formatted labels for editboxes and to create the illusion of grouped controls by using the border feature and another Active System Box on top for text.

    After reading your suggestion I looked at the Active System Box object and noticed it has a "Button Options" feature where one can enable "Button style" option. This gives the Active System Box the button clicked animation or look when a user clicks on it. Since it has the condition of Button > Is clicked? I can use that as I normally would for a button click.

    Searching through the forums, this seems to be an issue with Fusion for quite some time. There seems to be no way to change the background color of a button. It amazes me that this is not possible given that other systems (e.g. Visual Studio) allows such. Another development system I'm using, Neobook, has this feature. It's as simple as selecting the color as one would select colors in Fusion.

    For the regular Button object, one cannot uncheck the System Colors option. Using the Bouton CS object, I can uncheck the System Colors option and then change the text and background color of the button. However, this seems to have absolutely zero effect on the actual button. The button background seems to blend in with whatever the color of the object/space the button is over. The text is not visible at all. If I enable the System Colors back in the Bouton CS object, the button background still blends in with whatever it's on top of. Text still not visible. Is this a bug in the Bouton CS object?

    The project I'm working on is as a Windows application. I'm using Fusion 2.5 Developer through Steam (i.e. the Fusion 2.5 Dev released through Steam).

    I have a couple questions about the Android exporter.

    1. Is there a way to test to see if the phone is in Airplane mode? I have checked the Android objects and haven't found any type of conditional feature that would allow me to check for this.

    2. Using a Fusion 2.5 Android object, is there a way to put the phone in Airplane mode? I have not found this feature in any of the Android objects, unless I'm overlooking something.

    I would like to add that it doesn't matter what height I set the Editbox to. I tried reducing the height to 13. When I view the Editbox in the compiled app it still has a height of around 35 or so. Anyone else have issues with the Editbox?

    I know there's a special place to report bugs, but I'm posting it here first to see whether it's a legitimate bug or whether there's something I'm doing wrong. I've noticed a few issues with the Editbox object.

    1. It doesn't show up on the app when installed on phone. If I run a test app with Fusion, the Editbox shows up fine. If I install the app on my phone there's nothing there except for the text in the Editbox. This is even though I have the box checked for border.

    2. Placement is not what is on design. When I view the app installed on my phone it's WAY off from what I see in the design and/or test run on my PC. At the very least it's about 20 pixels off on the Y coordinate (i.e. 20 pixels lower) and 5 pixels or so off on the X coordinate (i.e. more to the right than in design). Considering this is the only object that is out of place, I have to assume it's an issue with the object/extension and not my app.

    3. The height of the object is WAY off as well. The height is set to the default height of 23. However, when I have System Colors or 3D Look checked, when I tap on the Editbox it's surrounded by a red border that appears to be about 35 pixels or so high instead of 23.

    One way to solve it was to not set it as an Alterable Value. That seemed to be my issue. I discovered another issue, though. Numeric Up-Down isn't supported on Android. To remedy, I changed the boxes to Edit boxes and then uses the Android Input Type object to set the Editbox for the Numeric keyboard. However, there may be a couple bugs in either Fusion or the Editbox object.

    Firstly, the Editbox appears about 5 pixels lower than where it does in the design when I run the compiled app on my phone. Secondly, even though I have a checkmark by border under the objcet's settings, no border shows up when I run the app on my phone. Is there another object that could be used to accept number input? While I did like the ability to set a min/max number for the Numeric Up-Down object, it's not a big issue as I can create that feature pro programmatically in Fusion with simple if/then statements.

    I'm having some issues with Fusion and math. A couple years or so ago I noticed that Fusion has a very quirky way of doing math. In particular, when dividing, the number must be multiplied by 1.0 or it will give an answer of 0. I can't even get a simple program to do simple math (e.g. subtraction). I'm using the numeric up-down object for number input. If I do something as simple as the numeric up-down minus 120, it gives me 0. I have even tried setting the numeric up-down * 1.0 as an Alterable Value as well as setting the second value as an alterable value and then doing the subtraction. My very simple goal is to subtract two numbers and then divide said answer by a number. I'm then setting that answer as text using the Active System Box. Is there a possible issue with using Active System Box? Should I use the String object instead? I'm using the Active System Box object as I can format (i.e. font, font size, and color) the answer the way I want.

    I'm testing it on my phone, which is running Android 5.01. You said the light goes off when the camera is released, which is when app is ended. Does this mean that with having "End application when not in foreground" checked the app will end and light will go off without needing to use a conditional statement? From what I gather, that's not going to work until the next release of Fusion, correct?

    I don't necessarily need to know when the Home button is pressed. My main concern is knowing when app isn't in foreground. When it's not, would like to turn off flashlight.

    I've tried conditions such as if frame or application ends, but those conditions don't seem to be applicable when Home button is pressed.

    I've just tried about every possible combination of what you've suggested and none of them work when pressing the Home button. I've tried the condition of End of frame as well as End of Applicaiton for it to set flashlight to 0. I've tried all of those with "End application when not in foreground" checked as well as unchecked. Seems like there's no way to turn the flashlight off when Home has been pressed.