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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I'm using the Android exporter to create a simple app for personal use. I want to build an APK using the "Android/OUYA application" option, but I'm encountering Gradle buiil errors.
Could anyone reccomend the best versions of the Andoid SDK and JDK that I should use to successfully build the APK?
I would also appreciate any advice on settings that might help resolve the issue.
Hi there! I tried to build my project for the first time but it failed to build (admob): ‘PersonalizedAdConsent/PersonalizedAdConsent.h’ file not found.
I tried searching for similar threads, but with no luck.. Can someone please help me out? 😇
I suspect this has something to do with deprecated UILaunchimages, and that lauch storyboards must be used instead. - Anyone who can explain to me how this is done in xcode?
It's been a while since I've used Xcode and was wondering if there's a quick fix to my issue
Window size: 320*694 Display status line: off Screen orientation: Portrait Display: Fit outside
Running game on the iPhone 12 simulator, the status bar is hidden and the window is full screen 9:19.5 but if I run on device (iPhone 12) the status bar is visible and the game window is 9:16, with black bars on the top and bottom.
When I try to run any app I keep getting this message: "the file "app" couldn't be opened because you don't have permission to view it" Happens in the simulator as well.
Does anyone know how to solve this?
- Newest Version of Fusion 2.5 and iOS export module. - Xcode Version 10.1. - Updated to recommended settings - Code signing settings should be correct.
I am working on a game where I need to register touches at the whole screen. The problem is that touches fails to register properly in the bottom region of the screen (bottom 5%) I believe this has something to do with the control centers gesture recognizer.
Anyone else have experienced this? Any solution for a workaround would be highly appreciated
We are working on a gamepad extension to use in our game.
Can someone with a gamepad other than Xbox or ps4 test this extension and see if it still works? Buttons that should work is left joystick, dpad, start, select, L1 and R1, and 4 action buttons
I have the same issue with the joystick 2 object not responding in sub application. I have only tested it on my pc. Have anyone figured out a workaround for this, so we can still use modal sub app as a pause menu?
Btw, I figured out that if I show the debugger while running the game , the joystick 2 object magically starts responding after closing the debugger window (while in the sub application).
If you're using the INI object so the current file to (remember to uncheck "Create INI file in Application Data folder" in the setting of the object) : CurAppData$( "YASO Object" ) + "\MyApp\SavedData.ini"
CurAppData$( "YASO Object" ) is achieved by selecting Folder Features -> Current User Folders -> Application Data
As stated above also the file object has this feature too. It may be the preferred object to use if you're already using the extension in your app.