Which best describe your background/experience? 100
Pre-College/University Student (17) 17%
Computer Science related College/University Student (11) 11%
Other College/University Student (5) 5%
Formal Computer Scientist/Software Engineer/Computer Science related job (11) 11%
Formal Game Developer (12) 12%
Other Job/Skill/Experience (44) 44%
So I was browsing the forums and the Clickteam Fusion Discord just now when it hit me that it might be useful to get an idea of the technical background/experience of the users. A lot of the time, I see users ask for general programming/game develop questions as opposed to Fusion specific questions. Getting to know the general user make-up should allow any future tutorial makers a good start on what to cover.
Thus, vote for the poll option which best describes your technical experience when you were first introduced to Multimedia Fusion/Clickteam Fusion.