I am having a bit of an issue with the rope and chain's conditions.
I have a little diving game with some tentacles that reach up from the deep to attack the player. When they are reaching up, I want to have them able to grab any fish in the water and drag them away as well, and it ALMOST works XD
The way I have it set up is, when an element collides with one of the fish, the fish is switched to a physics-static movement type and then attached using climb>attach at current element. I also need to use a flag or alterable value change on the fish object in order to prevent the action from repeating.
So the whole event reads something like:
"tentacle" element collides with "fish"
& "fish" alterable value A=0
"fish" set alterable value A=1
"fish" bring to front
"fish" set movement to Movement # 1
"tentacle" attach "fish" to rope at current element, at distance 0
The problem is that the game seems to have trouble (inconsistently) picking the right instance of the fish, and eventually it will decide to attach every fish of a type on a collision. This effect gets worse when I apply the needed flag or alterable value condition, but it exists even without it.
I have tried applying various arrangements of either for-each loops on the fish and for-each-element loops on the chains/tentacles, but depending on the order of the conditions they either have no effect or negate the collision entirely.
I am almost willing to give up on this (relatively minor) feature but it honestly just looks so nice and good the 10% of the time it is working
I can definitely provide a build if anyone wants to check it out, any help would be super very appreciated! Thanks