Build 293.10 - Release version

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • It's not removing extensions, it is completely skipping loading extensions, restarting didn't helped, nor Verify files integrity from Steam.
    I've just solved by making a clean installation and copied my backup over WITHOUT overwriting any original files.

    No idea what's that about, I think I had a error message when it started happening but I didn't gave a good look at that, it never showed again and it started skipping all extensions.
    (and no, the extensions aren't on the list of extensions to skip)

    Edit: I just mentioned having to manually install every extension cause I thought one of them were corrupt.
    It could be a built-in extension that triggered that, no idea, since copying my whole backup without overwritting just the original ones did worked fine.
    Perhaps it could be something else, like a corrupt dll, or runtime, something... But the strange part is that these couldn't be replaced by Steam when verifying.

    Edit 2: OH NO, happened again...

    Edited once, last by NaitorStudios (February 17, 2022 at 5:14 PM).

  • So, idk know if this was suggested before, but if not, it would be very useful if we had an option to change the default properties for Application, Frames and Objects

    For example:

    • Applications: I mostly uncheck the menu bars, set the border color to true back, uncheck heading when maximized and enable both "Resize display to fill window size" and "Fit inside(backbars)" options
    • Frames: I frequently set the Object count to: 30000 (maximum)
    • Objects: mostly change "Inactivate if too far from window" option to No, uncheck "Destroy object if too far from window" and check "Do not reset current frame duration when the animation is modified" options

    I don't know if it will be easy to implement for objects however, as different types of objects have different properties from each other, but at least the ability to change them for Active objects would be great

    Game/App developer, artist and a community contributor.
    You can support my work on: Please login to see this link.

  • When editing texts, if you double click on a word, editor will automatically highlight the word you are clicking, both available in fusion's expression editor and other editors like VS Code. But fusion behaviours differently: e.g., VSCode will treat '_' as part of a word but fusion doesn't, which means sometimes we need to select word manually when copying texts from external editor. Don't know if it's possible to modify this, or at least provide a preference item that allows user to set which character is the edge of a word.

  • So, idk know if this was suggested before, but if not, it would be very useful if we had an option to change the default properties for Application, Frames and Objects

    For example:

    • Applications: I mostly uncheck the menu bars, set the border color to true back, uncheck heading when maximized and enable both "Resize display to fill window size" and "Fit inside(backbars)" options
    • Frames: I frequently set the Object count to: 30000 (maximum)
    • Objects: mostly change "Inactivate if too far from window" option to No, uncheck "Destroy object if too far from window" and check "Do not reset current frame duration when the animation is modified" options

    I don't know if it will be easy to implement for objects however, as different types of objects have different properties from each other, but at least the ability to change them for Active objects would be great

    For objects you could make your own library with various versions of default objects and just drag & drop them from the library window. Same thing for frames, you can make a library with different default frames and drag & drop them from the library window to the application in the Workspace toolbar.

  • ? Not sure if I understand about "it opens the MFA as a separated app".

    It's by design to avoid a click when a library has a single frame, which is usually the case for object libraries. If you want a library of frames just make a library app with several frames, not sure what's the problem with this.

  • Could you please add a explicit Application User Model ID for Fusion itself on the next update?
    Seems like a fairly simple thing to add... It doesn't have many uses, but would be cool for Tools.

    In the case, I'm making some tools for Fusion and would like these tools to run under the same taskbar button as Fusion, all I need is a defined Application User Model ID.
    Would be very appreciated, it's most likely just calling a single C++ function or setting it on the project.
    Here's more about it: Please login to see this link.

    Edit: just to make it clearer about my tool, it's a app that would allow installing extensions and shaders by dragging and dropping it to the pinned shortcut on taskbar, when clicked it would just open Fusion instead.
    Hence why I would like the two to be using the same taskbar button, this way people wouldn't need to pin multiple icons just to get a new functionality...

    Edited once, last by NaitorStudios (February 21, 2022 at 3:13 PM).

  • When editing texts, if you double click on a word, editor will automatically highlight the word you are clicking, both available in fusion's expression editor and other editors like VS Code. But fusion behaviours differently: e.g., VSCode will treat '_' as part of a word but fusion doesn't, which means sometimes we need to select word manually when copying texts from external editor. Don't know if it's possible to modify this, or at least provide a preference item that allows user to set which character is the edge of a word.

    Adding Gifs that show the difference:


    Please login to see this attachment.


    Please login to see this attachment.

  • Minified PNG files with bit depth of <8 do not consistently load in Fusion. ImportImage() loads them with no issue, but ImportImageFromInputFile() creates a cSurface with depth of 0 that can't be blitted from.

    I've attached an example image. Typically, the Please login to see this link. will make these images.
    Please login to see this attachment.

    Darkwire Software Lead Programmer (C++ & C#)
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  • I noticed something with Sub-app that kind of breaks this workflow I have. Explaining this will go everywhere, so I'll try to word it right, srry

    So I have two MFAs, One is the Main Game and the other is Sub-app. Whatever I do in the Sub-app, the main game needs to have it preloaded. So let's say there's a sound to play in the Sub-app. The Sub-app will work on its own but if it's in the main game, it won't play unless I have the same sound already in the main game. I tried loading the sound by path, it works in the Sub-app MFA but not in the main games... ONLY IF I have something in the selected sound channel in the main MFA. It works fine if you run it in the editor. but if I built it... it won't work. I have to have a dummy item loaded into the mainframe to have it work.

    Same for a lot of other stuff. Sounds/Sounds channels, Fonts, (extensions If the main game is in Unpacked mode),etc.

    More things I ran into and Suggestions:
    - Having the Machine independent ticked in Sub-app and the main game has a double effect which drops fps. with V-Sync on, both makes the fps worse.
    - Actives with the Global Object ticked that's in the main game frame do not work with Sub-app that also have the same object/settings ticked. From what I have tested.
    - Sub-app display as sprite should be renamed to "DX9 Fullscreen Mode" ex; previous conversation I had with Yves, You mentioned it was for the DX9 Fullscreen. I feel like if it was renamed it would lower confusion newbies.
    - An option to have the Sub-app size scale with the root app size/ size the sub-app object is in. ex; Resize to root app display
    - Have Sub-Apps act as a sprite. ex; previous conversation I had with Yves x2, as stated that something like this is on the wishlist, Hope that entry is high on there lol. so many useful workflows can be done if it was possible.

    Besides Sub-app stuff there is a bit of DX11 stuff I like to see be updated, if possible.
    - Depth buffer
    - Texture Lods
    - Vertex Shaders
    - Buffers
    - Font Anti-Aliasing toggle
    - Font external importing
    - Ability to use the bounding box on strings for Shaders/effects instead of text itself. ex; found some fonts has noticeable clipping with some effects.
    - more Shader uniforms for xml. ex; vector2,vector3,better RGBA color input. maybe ability to get output of some values back?
    - !if Possible! The ability to take layers into some sampler for Shaders to use. be nice to have layers as passes for some Shaders

    Anyway that is my suggestions and problems I noticed on Sub-App. My thought is: Was Sub-apps designed to only work with frames on the same MFA instead of a different MFA?
    I feel like if they where updated or some new option to have frames as file/ new frame object. It could open so many new paths to do in CTF.

  • Small image editor bug i encountered: If you

    1) hold down one mouse button
    2) draw on the canvas
    3) press a second mouse button while the first one is still held and continue drawing

    the undo feature will only undo any drawing done after step 3, and will ignore any drawing done in step 2. the next undo will still revert any changes done prior, but not any changes made during step 2.

  • addition to my post..

    maybe a `Jump to Frame, Keep previous Graphic in memory` option?
    I can see this useful if some character perishes then it goes to a game over screen. and the coder has a retry option. that goes back to the overworld frame with faster loading.

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