I have a 128 x 64 array, and I want to loop through and find the X & Y dimensions of every entry equal to a specific value. So for example if the array contained the number "7" at indexes (1,10), (1,25), (5,10) and (32,64), then those array positions would be recorded into like a rich edit box, let's say.
So at the moment I have:
* Button clicked
> Start Loop "vertical" 64 times
* On Loop "vertical"
> Start Loop "horizontal" 128 times
* On Loop "horizontal"
+ ValueAtXY( "Array", LoopIndex("horizontal"), LoopIndex("vertical") ) = 7
[Rich Edit Object] > Str$(LoopIndex("horizontal")) + "," + Str$(LoopIndex("vertical")) + ","
Trouble is, I'm not getting anything. If I remove the 2nd condition under "On Loop horizontal" then sure enough, it appends every single loop index to the text.
So the comparison condition doesn't work.
Anyone know a better way to do this?