I mentioned this once before, however I can't find the post. So, here it is again.
Basically, whenever you install a fresh copy of MMF2.5, you have to manually add each extension you want. One click at a time!
Which for me, is all the available Extensions! This takes forever and is a pain in the butt.
Anyway, the feature I am asking for on a future Version of MMF2.5 is the ability to RADIO CHECK BOX or SELECT ALL and then click install.
Now, I understand, some extensions are VIA a link. So for those extensions, have no RADIO CHECK BOX or have the BOX Grayed out.
Maybe even have those extensions in a separate category. I also understand, if you don't have the required exporter that you can not install certain extensions.
Again, have those Grayed out or in a separate category.
Below is a picture of what I am saying. It is not real. I just modified the EXTENSION MANAGER screenshot to show you what I mean.
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Thanks in advance