Click team must! But really must to fix a really disturbing thing which troubles me in creating a game.
See, I have blocks that also collides each other because it is in a semi 3D like perspective, (Similar to games like Simcity 2000)... This view.
The problem is, that when I click on an object to destroy it, it also destroy the object that is behind it, because Multimedia Fusion can't differ it from the other similar object. Both are Active1. The active1 at the foreground is destroyed along with active 1 at the background!
I'm not making a simcity, but a simple puzzle game with unique perspective, but this really ruins everything, since when I click with the mouse on an object to destroy it, it also destroys objects at the back of it that collides.
Please click team! You must fix it, and let the option to make an object, like Active1 for example to be destroyed alone when I click on it without the program refer to objects that the cursor touch as well but their part is not seen!
I hope that you got what I try to say.
A more simple example is when I have 2 monsters and one is infront the other so when I shoot one with a bullet I want the front monster to take the hit but not the monster behind. Like the front could cover these in back! It is important and until now it cannot be undone in Multimedia fusion! At least, not that I know! You must fix this! I really request that to be done!
Many thanks!