Hey all,
I'm sure there are threads like this all the time around here, but still I thought it'd be fun if we all post one feature that we'd want more than anything else in MMF3. You can also post a feature that you think everyone else is probably going to want, but you want least of all. I'll go first
Most wanted: Embedded scripting language. I think Clickteam products are far superior to Game Maker, but the one advantage GM has over MMF is that is has an embedded scripting language. If MMF3 had this, there'd be literally no reason for anyone to want to use GM (unless they're a cheapskate).
Multimedia Fusion isn't just for beginners anymore... Professional game developers use it too. Ideally, you'd want the software to appeal to both types of users. I think it'd be great if MMF3 preserves the accessibility of the event editor, while adding the option of using the raw power of a scripting language. A game could be coded entirely in events, entirely in script, or a combination of the two. The engine could be restructured so that every event is actually just a macro that gets converted to script before the game is run.
Least wanted: Backwards compatibility. I'm sure plenty of people are going to really want to import their old MMF2 projects into MMF3... and I just don't get it. Just because MMF3 comes out doesn't mean MMF2 is going to magically disappear.
If Clickteam focuses on backwards compatibility it could prevent them from making a new, genuinely innovative, rock-solid game engine that's unlike anything we've seen before.
Take this one of many examples: the old Platform Movement. It's a holdover from the Klik & Play days and it's glitchy as hell, but Clickteam hasn't changed it, and I understand why... it's because they don't want to ruin backwards compatibility. But wouldn't you rather have a nice new rock-solid platform movement for MMF3, even if it means you have to go back and change your game a little bit?
For MMF3 I would urge Clickteam to abandon backwards compatibility altogether and focus simply on making the most solid, powerful piece of Clickteam software yet. If you want to yield to popular demand, at the most, you should create an MMF2 to MMF3 project converter. It need not be a perfect conversion... the users can go back and fix any glitches or problems that may have resulted from it. That's why it's called "porting" and not "Clickteam does everything for me."
Anyway that's just my two bits :]