It'd be nice if Fusion3 at least had built-in line and polygon drawing functionality.
Most wanted/least wanted in MMF3
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I'd like to enforce Fanotherpgs wish to have point collision.
Ie let the developer check if a pixel (XY) is overlapping object.
I agree that point collision detection would be a useful feature to have. It has my vote for inclusion.
I know it's big wish but I say it anyhow : "All extensions works with all exporters"
Multiple action points, polygonal collision boxes that can be changed each frame, screen zooming, inventory templates, raster fonts on all platforms, real time loading screens, more audio channels, an optimized raycasting engine capable of higher than 640x480 without slowdown and multiple height maps.
Granted not all of this is necessarily being realistic, but I can dream.
Its simple but i think would be great.
Create variables/Alterable Values at runtime. -
I know it's big wish but I say it anyhow : "All extensions works with all exporters"
I believe that clickteam said in a small conference they did a while back that the exporters on fusion 3 will all use the same global runtime instead of branching off into their own external engines, so if it works with fusion pc it will work with exporters. -
Do want...*drools*
I believe that clickteam said in a small conference they did a while back that the exporters on fusion 3 will all use the same global runtime instead of branching off into their own external engines, so if it works with fusion pc it will work with exporters.
This was mentioned at the 2013 Click Convention. My understanding is that Clickteam wants the runtime based on one code base instead of the three or so the programmers are currently maintaining. This means that the runtime will be consistent across all platforms but extensions will still behave differently (or not at all) depending on the platform and the design of the extension. I imagine that the Clickteam-made extensions will be consistent, but I can't say that at all about the user-made extensions.
+1 for that
it would be cool if it could draw a polygon during runtime and use it as a colision.Linux editor would be awesome too.
Better instancing, where instances of an object can be set to have unique variables in the editor and not just during runtime.
Better handling of global code.
A more polished UI that allows a smarter, more efficient workflow. For example, a more natural-feeling tree structure in the event editor where the branches are quicker to open/close/rename/create. And in general, a more powerful, intuitive and consistent behaviour of hotkeys, shift, alt, middle-click, scroll wheel, and all the other things that go into making a well designed PC program great to use.
I think that falls into the realm of polish, and other features (such as sub-events) have a higher weight in my opinion.
I would like shaders such as the photoshop ones to be viewable at any zoom in the frame editor. Also the same for rgb coefficents.
I really hope some realtime editing will be possible. It feels very unflexible to have to test the game, then go into event editor and adjust values, for example positions and then relaunch game to test again. It would be so much better if you could adjust a value at the same time the game is running and have stuff update in realtime.
You can adjust values in the debugger during runtime.
Salamanderpants: Did not know that, but will these values be saved to the next time?
The debugger is also something that needs a rework though, it is incredible hard to get the info you want from it in any smooth way. -
Speaking of debuggers, I would like it to not impact the frame rate when you enlarge it.
I hope you add to MMF3 option to debugging android application by usb(Same like in Android Studio) not only by slow emulator and without logs.
you don't need to use the emulator to debug/get logs...? you can use the built in android tools to debug your fusion app and get a real time log.
I know that and I don't want use emulator but running device... I am already test my CF2.5 apps by Android Studio it use this tool. I only want to include this option to CF 2.5/MMF3
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