while testing the VideoPro extension, i noticed some things:
Video time
While current VideoTime is displayed, the "vid position HMS" string and "vid length HMS" string returns time formatted to "oo/oo/oo".
While current VideoFame is displayed, the "vid position HMS" string and "vid length HMS" string returns time formatted to "oo" (seconds).
When switching between VideoFrame and VideoTime there is a lag with playing the video.
Displaying VideoFrame and VideoTime at the same time causes a very choppy playback.
Sometimes the video is black at start (but audio is playing) and the window has to be moved to show the video content.
If the value is lower 50, the audio is mute.
Full screen
After switching to full screen the keyboard input (to reset to normal size) is disabled.
With Alt+Tab it's possible to switch from full screen to the application window, the movie is still playing but the video is missing.