The "Slide + Throw" screen feature from Please login to see this link. implemented.
Behaves like Google Maps, tested on PC, Mac, Android, iPhone. Besides from JimJams version this "Lite" version only holds one mode.
- MaxFps, making sure panning behaves the same in your setup.
- Timeframe, visualizes how faster measuring behaves in lower framerates.
- Initial Force, when "throwing" camera this value factors into calculated velocity.
- Deacceleration, the greater value the faster camera stops (linear)
Dev notes
- I labeled this as a non multi-widget because it does not need any other object to function.
- The menu requires a keyboard to work.
Future changes
- Cubic deacceleration
- Touchpositions buffered instead of picked in timeframe.
I have not uploaded any widget or example prior to this, feel free to suggest improvement on code comments etc.