I recently bought the android exporter because of all the neat features finally being added.
Im currently porting a game from iOS to Android and I had some crashing issues. Ive managed to pinpoint the problem to the action of saving to an array file, I think.
Im a complete noob when it comes to android and noticed android apps need things called ‘permissions’ to use certain features properly.
I assumed saving data onto the device will need a certain permission?
I need help with figuring out which one is appropriate.
I tried WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE but the app still crashes in the same place...
When I remove the save to array, everything works fine.
Im using the latest beta of MMF2 DEV 257.22
I set up a test application to make sure if this was really the issue with android and it is.
In my test app, at start of frame I set a random number in a counter then save that to the array as a value at x,y location. The app crashes.
Is there something Im missing? This same action works smoothly in every exporter except android for some reason. (which is why Im assuming its a setting Ive got wrong, like permissions or version)
I set the version of android to 2.2, the app crashes
I set the version of android to 3.2, the app freezes
I haven't tried 4.1 or 4.2 yet (I don't know how to change the android sdk directory for MMF2 android applications, but thats a different question ^^; )