Hey everyone,
After scouring the forums for a solution to mass color replacing, I've hit a wall as none of the solutions are viable for me. I have a completely randomly generated equipment system in my new game, and it requires to be able to assign at minimum 5 different colors, max 15 colors per object. Now, each object consists of hundreds of frames of animation so manually coloring these is not an option.
The replace RGB function works just fine, once. Even if the object is destroyed, a new one will contain the same color scheme as the previous. Saving these values to pull from later to manually reset the colors back to 'stock' is technically a solution, but its a messy one and I don't trust it very much - as I would need to house 15 different color values, for six slots of equipment, times who knows how many equipment styles.
I cannot get Looki's color replacement shader to work. This seems like its a step in the right direction, but maybe I'm just using it wrong. But even so, it looks like his only supports nine different 'shades' of color, I'd prefer to have at least sixteen.
The closest result of what I'm looking for I can think of would be Megaman, but with an insanely increased complexity of color combinations.
If I can't get this to work I'm afraid I may have to scrap a very large 'selling point' of my project.
Thanks in advance!