In my quest to learn this package I decided to make a few programs. One of those programs was to do with enemy waves and how to make them.
What I wanted to do was to use something like Read-Data statements found in other languages.
For those of you who dont know what Im talking about here is a simple "Basic" loop:
For t = 1 to 20
Read x
Print x
Next t
Data 1,1,0,4,9,8,3,5,6,7,23,1,4,6,8,3,2,8,8,9
I know that Read-Data is NOT in Fusion, so I wanted to make a txt file that holds the type of enemy and then to read that txt file in and depending on the number found to put the correct enemy ship at the correct X and Y.
So......... The txt file would look something like this:
1,320,200,2,300,150,5,100,100........... Etc Etc Etc.... you get the picture!:)
Now can anyone help me in to how to read in a txt file and then to extract the numbers?
I know that it may not be possible to use a txt file like the one above with comma's in it, and it may have to look more like this...
100 be able to read each number set individually.
But any help would be very much appreciated...thanks in advance