Posts by macca02

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Thanks for the heads up Dave i wasnt aware of that! I attempted to screen record an app of mine using various screen recording programs and all resulted in terrible FPS. My PC is a few years old but should be more then up to the task spec wise(i7 2600, 8GB ram, AMD6970 2GB GPU) but still results in very poor recordings. Recording straight from the device sounds like the best way to avoid all the overhead. I'm fairly certain I tried FRAPS , but I'll have to give it another go and play around with the settings.

    I think that's an awesome idea to have a beta testing/feedback circle for fellow clickers. Unsure how it works on IOS but on play store you can invite people to beta test via their email. I havent tried it though, im unsure whether each app you submit you'd have to invite everyone? Or whether you can set up an overall group that effects all apps etc.

    It would also be great for feedback and ideas to improve our projects.

    I'm on my mobile and not near a computer with fusion, so may not be exact., But you don't need to use binary files to accomplish that.

    Just use the INI object and have an event:
    start of frame: (INI)Set current file to : "Appdir$+"myfile.INI" "

    Now I can't remember if Appdir$ returns the path and a closing slash "\" (e.g C:\Disastr_Blastr\) or if you need to include it yourself e.g "Appdir$+"\myfile.INI""

    Appdir$ is an expression built into fusion which returns the directory in which the application is being run from.

    I haven't tried but would think it'd be either of the two below:

    The full path that is shown in the binary e.g "C:\Users\xxxxx\yyyyy\zzzzz\myPicture.png"
    just the filename e.g "myPicture.png"

    Full path is how i've reffered to array/ini/list files that are included in the binary for Android applications.

    Out of curiosity, does the text even work for you with Facebook? Text isn't attached when i try.

    Having problems with Run Application/Run Frame. Using either, Fusion basically hangs with the progress bar stuck. After say 10 seconds, it responds and the little runtime/debugger pops up, but the application/frame still isn't launched.

    If i just leave it and wait it will randomly launch (approx 1 minute later) and start running.
    Even after closing fusion, edrt.exe is still listed in task manager.

    Tried killing process, restarting, re installing 284.1, but continues to happen.
    Went back to 283.5 and its all working fine.

    UPDATE: Okay I should've tried this initially, but after disabling Antivirus (Avast) Run Frame/Application launches fine.
    Though, re-enabling antivirus and having it active causes problems (I'm assuming Avast is running scans/sandboxing edrt.exe before launching, which is why its delayed over a minute?)
    For some reason Avast doesn't do anything with build 283.5 and lets Fusion do its thing, but 284.1 its having conflicts with.

    I've now added Fusion directory to Exclusion list in Avast and is running fine now with shields active, just a FYI for anyone else who is having a similar problem.

    I just tried sharing an Image & text and it worked perfectly sharing to Hangouts & Email, however, both the text & image didn't work with sharing to Facebook (via Facebook app), nothing was attached it just brang up to post to my timeline with no text or anything.

    I Used the URL of an image from the web which worked sharing to email, hangouts etc. but as mentioned Facebook just didn't work for me.

    I would also love to see functions implemented. I know you can just do a fast loop or use event groups and turn them on/off, But purposely built Function groups would be great to have. E.g. you could just use the event group functionality that already exists, but add the ability to execute a group which would immediately set the event group the next statement to run.

    Also the ability to access an object by its name. An example for this would be I've made a tide prediction app for android, it consists of approx 40 counter objects. Because counters don't have alterable values, i can't simply loop through and select a counter and make changes. I have to repeat code and manually manipulate each counter.

    I think this thread is a great platform to make Fusion 3 perfect. Sub events, ability to reuse code and objects globally easier, increased ease of use when dealing with object instances and functions are the main things i hope to see in Fusion 3.

    EDIT: just saw this post by Snail: Please login to see this link.

    Much better explanation of functions and how Fusion would benefit

    I came across this as well, i made a game for android which uses the accelerometer object and tilting the phone to move the character. Tried it on phone (nexus 5) and an iPad and the movement wouldn't work in HTML5. I didn't attempt to find the cause (eg were any values actually being retrieved, trying the different value retrieval methods) as it was more of messing around with the HTML5 exporter. I think its a bug, but id suggest trying to set a counter to the accelerometer values and see if you get any readings, then try the different methods of value retrieval for the object(direct, gravity isolated) and see if the same persists.

    I don't think SQLite is available for android unfortunately, it would make it a whole lot easier for database interactions!\
    You can use GET object to POST/GET to a PHP script, which then would interact with a database.

    Though a database is probably best practice, it sounds like for "gagegage926" application he could get away with something more simple if he's never done any PHP/Database stuff, and just use an array/ini to store the data, then when it comes time at the end of the day to collaborate everyones totals, use Jeffs high score example/or some sort of basic online high score, and instead post the amount and the date!

    I don't see why it would be so difficult, infact it seems quite straightforward IMO, unless i'm missing something?

    You could accomplish this all with some basic extensions/controls (List, Edit, Button, string parser and an Array/INI to store it all), or, what would be more advanced and difficult is to setting up a mysql database and using PHP & GET object to update/store purchase history, get inventory etc.

    But if its just to basically add items, calculate the total, calculate the change and record the purchase, then its quite accomplishable. If you have any questions on any piece of it, just ask here and i'm sure someone will be able to help you with individual parts you get stuck on.

    I agree they need to have more options, but i don't see what the big deal is about using Google Wallet, you do realize that Google is not the only one collecting your information and using it for data mining? Whatever outlet you choose to use, they're still potentially collecting/selling that information.