Hi, I just purchased at Clickstore:
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Fernando work is amazing!
Although I do not quite understand how it works.
Is there any guide in PDF or some examples?
In the package I have not found any PDF.
Thank you.
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Fernando work is amazing!
Although I do not quite understand how it works.
Is there any guide in PDF or some examples?
In the package I have not found any PDF.
Thank you.
Is it possible to create something for Android or iOS?
Or is it only for Windows EXE?
Thank you.
Since I upgraded to the latest version of Fusion 2.5, it stopped working Admob.
I tried the example that comes with Admob, but not working.
Does anyone have a recent example?
Thank you!
I see very strange, can not be normal for iOs 8.1 looks like this:
Thank you.
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Apple Guidelines:
Supports custom decoration, such as a border or background image (to add a custom appearance, use a button of type UIButtonTypeCustom and supply a custom background image)
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I used it with Android Exporter, inside the function:
"Web View Object" reading the code with "Load HTML"
Do not know exactly what it would be in HTML5 Exporter
Congratulations on having found another solution.
And play sound for streaming?
<audio controls>
<source src="Please login to see this link." type="audio/mpeg" />
Tu navegador no es compatible con esta característica.
Please login to see this link.
Please login to see this attachment.
On iPad:
Please login to see this attachment.
By using "iOS Button" always appear transparent.
I tried it on my iPad iOs 8.1 with Fusion 2.5 Developer (283.4)
Help, thanks!
I've updated my iPad to 8.1 and now it works fine if the texts.
While on my iPod Touch that has the 6.x you can not update, does not work.
So the new update is not compatible with iOS 6.x
Thank you.
With any game without text works ok
But when I include a string Causes Error
I am trying to update a device to check if it is 8.1 for that.
Thank you.
Does iOS Exporter is not compatible with versions earlier than 7.x?
Much market is lost, right? The iPod Touch is not all you can update and iPhone is the same.
Thank you.
I tried it on my iPad (New iPad 2012) and on my iPod Touch New Generation. With iOS 6.1.3 and 6.1.6 respectively.
My Mac Pro is the version of OS X Yosemite 10.10.1
And XCode version is: 6.1 with SDK 8.1
And if I installed the new beta 283.3 all my applications that include text, have stopped working.
Thank you.
possible bug?
Error on iPad with any text:
int retVal = UIApplicationMain (argc, argv, nil, @ "RuntimeIPhoneAppDelegate");
Please login to see this link.
Thank you
possible bug?
Error on iPad with any text:
int retVal = UIApplicationMain (argc, argv, nil, @ "RuntimeIPhoneAppDelegate");
Please login to see this link.
Thank you
Hi there,
Extension: Advanced Path Movement work?
The tool is blocked
Thank you!
I will study
Perfect, thank you very much!
I can not find examples to properly use the movement:
Physics - Race Car
I fail to use it properly ... In Windows use the keys works fine, but when Android stops working properly, do not brake properly, etc. ..
Thank you!
I have trouble detecting acceleration and cornering and braking. I do not want to use the default Joystick, I want to use my own controls.
Does anyone have an example?
Thank you!
I've already tried, but generates other errors ...
What name should have these 3 files?
Thank you!
Upon completion of the project through xCode, informs me that the size of the icons are missing:
How do I add to the project?
Thank you!
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)