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To get support for a technical issue such as installing the software, to query a purchase that you've made/would like to make, or anything other than using our software, please visit our Customer Service Desk:
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
It seems OK here with several devices. Use stretch to fill and expand the screen, but check if this fits your needs. Another possibility is to use "Fit Inside and Adjust Window Size"
if you are unsure how it works, please open the help and use the search feature to find this. It will explain how it works.
in 295 as it is in 296
It seems like nothing works, the app is aligned to the right of the screen and on the left a black bar covering the complete notification drop down area (without displaying the time or notifications or such). Pixel 9 xl pro with latest Android...
Turning heading off and not displaying status bar doesn't seem to make the top black bar (or left on landscape) go away, still looks like my app is "aligned" to the right of the screen,
nothing really changes anything (not even stretch to fill!), still the left area where the camera notch is, and the notifications bar is (where time and battery is displayed), does not fill up with my game.
Hey Dobermann, thanks for your reply! I just found InApp and GPG on Clickteam's Patreon, paid for membership and downloaded these extensions and they seem up to date and builds
Is there anyway to build a project with Clickteam's bought and paid for extension In App Review with the new API requirements? I'm due for release in a few weeks I would like to have this on my project,
Please login to see this link.or anyone else? :-/
anyone who knows anything about this please let me know
* What went wrong: A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'. > Could not get unknown property 'version_play_core' for object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler.
* Try: > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. > Run with --scan to get full insights.
Here is a Please login to see this link. for the stand-alone version of Fusion (if you guys can test it we'll push it to Steam too). It should fix the Play Core library warnings.
If any issue, you can reinstall the Please login to see this link. of the Android runtime for the build 295.10.
You can use the "is animation finished" to have the jump to frame wait until animation is done, or use the timer object to have "fire event after delay".
Hey guys, it has been over a year since, I was wondering if this is now fixed?
The PC version of my game will be out by the end of this month, I would like to port to Android - but old builds of early versions of my game suffer from this issue as well and it's unplayable on mid-range or lower (high end devices - quiet playable).
Oh ok sorry my mistake, I was checking a different version. Yep, it's all those events to consume purchases that wasn't made on prior frames caused it. I did it because I used to get "you already own this item" message.
So, if a user makes a purchase ("was ok") but the consume is not performed (due to bad internet or an app crash or something like that, I have only products that should consume immediately), how do I prevent "you already own this item"?
Fernando, maybe you missed it, I stated even if you disable lines 127 - 130 and lines 775 - 780, the crash still happens. and when you disable all those events there's only 1 simple "Purchase SKU with ID" in the whole project at line 126, and nothing else that deals with in app purchases. You can switch from PID (global variable) in line 126 to any number you want and it still crashes.
I've updated the mfa and apk in the dropbox link to your convinience. no global variables, nothing, just a simple "purchase sku '600coins' with id 1" in line 126 and that's it. Still crashing.