Posts by uprize

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Are you running HWA mode? Because paste in backdrop DOES NOT work in HWA mode, instead it acts as add backdrop instead, so you have 10K backdrop objects slowing down the game.

    Quote from MuddyMole

    No, that's not how it works at all.

    When you paste objects into the background they are still saved as individual objects - regardless of whether you use "paste in to background" or "add backdrop".

    That's why you can't keep creating them indefinitely (they count towards the object total), and why it's possible to delete them individually (using "delete created backdrop at").

    The only difference between adding and pasting, is that pasted backdrops are deleted when the screen scrolls, whereas added backdrops are not.

    What you really need to be doing, is pasting the stars into a surface/overlay object instead.

    Sorry mate but you are incorrect. Paste as backdrop does not add to the backdrop count, however there IS a limit to how many you can paste in one MMF loop.

    Guys I'm not dissing MMF, its a great little tool and I have been using CT software since KnP. But really, there was a HUGE market for CT a few years ago when iOS was still in its infancy and this is when CT should have been pushing to release the exporter. MANY MANY developers would have used this as there was not really any other software on the market which would allow them to make an iphone game as quickly and easily. But now there is much more competition for CT as many other software packages offer much more flexibility than MMF does in making games and iphone apps, and because of that they have lost a large chance to really strike success.

    I understand that CT are small and developing tools and programs takes time and lots of debugging, but from a business perspective they should have invested more heavily in it at a much earlier time. I remember I proposed an Iphone exporter over 2 years ago and it fell on deaf ears. Same with the XNA exporter.

    I'm not trying to start a debate, merely stating my own personal opinions on the matter and while it's true that some of you guys will make some decent money from the istore, its going to be much harder to be successful in my opinion, and for me thats an investment I am not willing to make.

    And regarding MMF in general: CT really need to start to look at MMF3 and make it much more 'modern', as MMF2 is now very slow compared to other tools on the market and teh HWA support for extension makers is barely even there. MMF3 needs to focus primarily on HWA features and give developers access to many DirectX features when making extensions to really revive my interest in the product.

    I still love MMF, but I have moved onto better and *much* faster tools.


    I woudlnt use the active object approach, that will need a big image for large resolutions and you can create much nicer effects using HWA effects.
    I dont play with them much but there are examples floating which creates much nicer and smoother blends (I think its the AND effect)

    Sorry for the bump, but this shader sounds like something I been looking for. If I understand correctly, I can have use this shader to copy bitmap data from a seperate image mask, into the alpha channel of a texture to create different masked versions of that texture?

    This would be useful for tile based games where you create different transitions between tile types, you can create some variation.
    Example: draw dirt tile, then copy a transition mask into the alpha channel of a grass tile and draw that over the dirt tile. The result would be a dirt tile partly covered by grass.

    Is this correct?

    I think its too late in all honestly. IOS exported should have been done 2 years ago when the market was fresh. Now the market is flooded with good, bad and terrible apps and the chance for success is far too small.
    CT really needed to outsource their work to get it released faster because frankly, they have lost a lot of potential business to their competitors now.

    I would have bought the Iphone exporter 12 months ago. But now? Nope.

    Sounds like you want a 'staggered isometric' grid.
    I made an extension for this myself but never released it, this is the 3rd person that seems to want an extension to do this, maybe I'll release it hmmm.
    But a workaround is to stick to the isogrid object, but offset th grid so it starts off frame. Its a bit messy and your coordinates will be off since 0,0 will be on out of bounds grid coordinate, but it will work.

    Quote from GameDragon

    I am at a loss. No matter what I do, I can not get it to work properly under HWA. I can use it on Standard MMF2, but that pretty breaks many events that use HWA. Even then the FPS dropped even further with that many Background images.

    Oh, Background Images isnt HWA compatible.

    there are many ways to do this.
    probably easiest way is to have an ini file with a value you use to determine wether a level is unlocked or not.

    This could be as simple as:
    currentLevel = 5
    which would mean that the player has unlocked up to level 5.
    Or you wanted it to be more diverse you could have a value for each level so players can unlock them in whatever order they want.

    Personally though I would use a binary array each bit representing a level. 0 = locked, 1 = unlocked.

    Ok, well there is no extension to handle the maths for you. Maybe one day I will release my extension i started but I doubt it.
    My extension took care of all grid maths and also handled drawing the map, scrolling everything.

    use the 'Advanced Pathfind Extension' for grid movement and pathfinding. But pathfinding is just one of the many complex things to work through in an RTS.
    MMF is too slow for decent RTS game, it can only draw so much at one time and once you start caluclating paths, etc as well as drawing, your application will slow down to a crawl.
    Dont expect a resolution greater than 800x600 or having more than about 200 units in your map at any time.

    Quote from MJK

    Actually I would claim that click games have been played by more than 125 million people when all games are combined that have been produced with CT software since 1994.

    I very much doubt that.
    You are saying 1 in 50 people in the world have played with an app made by a clickteam program. That's a very big claim, considering half of the world dont even own a computer, yet alone play games on them.

    OP, you don't sound experienced enough to make an online game yet.
    You really should learn the basics of MMF first before you attempt this.
    Theres no harm in trying it though, but you will just end up getting frusrated and giving up. We all try to go big at some point, but it's knowing whens the time to begin such a project thats important.
    Good luck

    Are you making a diamond shape isometric map, or are you making a staggered isometric grid?
    (diamond means a square map rotated on an angle, so the corners of the map are empty, while staggered is a square map with isometric tiles. Google them for more info)
    The maths for both are different.

    There is an isogrid2 object which will handle diamond iso grid for you no problem, but if you want a staggered iso grid you need to work out maths yourself which you can easily find on google.
    I had an extension I was working on which could do both types of maps as well as hex maps, but i never released it and dunno if I ever will.