I have a request for an extension I've been wanting for years now. I'm willing to pay for its development, the exact amount depends on the time and requirements of the developer but if done right I could pay at least $400+ for it.
An extension for handling variables, both in frame setup and during runtime. Whaat, another you say? Yes, I have specific needs.
Variables are stored as a list (an array i suppose) and can be accessed using index (integer) or varible name or key (string).
Variables can be string, int or float.
Variables can be set up, edited and deleted in object properties, or during runtime.
Integrated looping through variables using index.
Object can be global (variables kept in memory between frames) but not as default.
PC, iOS and Android
High speed and efficiency. Should not slow down game, very fast to loop through.
Should be able to handle at least 10 000 entries with efficiency.
I will provide mockups and exact details of the desired functionality.
Total cost of development to be agreed on before start.
Finish within 4 weeks preferebly.
Object to be released freely to the community when finished.
Basiaclly I want an object to replace using global variables for everything. In all my games, I use lots and lots of variables. Many of them are just local to a specific frame, but I still end up putting them in the global variables or use a counter object. Both methods are not optimal. I want an object that can be used to group variables together and use them locally on a frame, or have them global to the entire app. I also want the variables to function as a list, where new entries can be added, inserted or deleted at runtime or in the frame. Sorting functions would also be nice. To my knowledge there is no extension that works exacly like this, there are many similar, but not with the exact feature set I want. Any takers?