Hi all,
I'm just testing the waters here to see how much someone would charge to develop a very straightforward extension for me. I haven't the time to work on it myself, and I suspect you guys would probably build it quicker than me anyway.
I need to be able to create, edit and retrieve data from windows shortcuts, specifying at least the following:
- Filename of shortcut
- Target file
- Icon file
- Icon number
- Comment
- Date Modified
Sphax' File-Folder Object can create them, but not edit existing ones or retrieve their content.
I'm trying to make a bespoke windows app to let me create 'post-it-notes' in my file folders. I know things like that exist, but none work *exactly* the way I'd like them to (you know the feeling, right?).
So yeah, let me know what you'd charge to do it. I'm happy to release the extension to the wider community once it's done.
- Chris