I seems fill modes have bugs when saving unless im missing something. They display fine but after saving they appear differently.
Also when tension was set to 1 and it's rotating i got a buffer like effect where it keeps part of the graphic.
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Open a TicketI seems fill modes have bugs when saving unless im missing something. They display fine but after saving they appear differently.
Also when tension was set to 1 and it's rotating i got a buffer like effect where it keeps part of the graphic.
Thanks Atom for the fill mode bug (the fill part of the VectorialShape object is the last part in beta stage), it will be corrected in the next version and I'll include the possibility to change it.
About the artefacts with the tension, it's a known issue and I'm trying to prevent it.
Thanks Sphax, it's a great extension i look forward to the next version.
Ho, I should mention that since the last version I've released, you can work with the object without big risks of break compatibility.
In light of what Sphax said about compatibility, I think it is a good idea for users to support this extension by making some creative examples that not only show off its capabilities but push the edges of what it can do.
It is great to have users applaud this fine extension, but it is better to see some tooling around so that everyone can get a good grasp of its potential.
Come on, you know you can
Im having no luck importing shapes from SVG, i can import a image texture fill just fine though. When i try a SVG with a solid black shape at around 512x512 it shows nothing, i have tried setting the fill and closing the shape etc but it won't show. can someone make a quick example of it working?
The next version of VectorialShape will have an updated example which will be able to save/load SVG files.
Also remember that the SVG <path/> is not supported by VectorialShape object.
Ok great thanks
Hi Everybody!
[color:#FF0000]There is a new version of VS released.[/color]
This new version is a major update.
Here after are some of the new features:
- Reorganization of the menus of the event editor.
- Raster: You now have two rasterization modes: none (only works in software) and transparent color (the default one in HWA). Another mode for the alpha channel will be developed for another version. With raster mode 1 or 2, you'll be able to apply ink effects (and pixel-shaders in HWA).
- Export: You can now save the render of the VectorialShape as a BMP
- Raster: You can manually refresh the raster render
- Add Backdrop: You can now add a backdrop generated from the VectorialShape object anywhere you want in any layer you want with custom visibility and collision.
- Anti-aliasing: can be activated or deactivated during runtime (3 modes: none, 8x4 and 8x8). The 8x8 mode only works for Vista (not tested yet)
- Collision: can be activated or deactivated for outline and/or fill
- Text: There is now 3 modes for the bounding box (0=maximized, between points, between coordinates)
- Fill: You can now change the fill rule (evenodd or nonzero)
- SVG: The import and export functions uses the new fill rule
- Speed: Big improvement in the rasterization methods. The object is drawn really faster (40 fps more on my computer in some cases)
- Bug: The function "Set styles to default" didn't work as expected
[color:#FF0000]Look at the first post to download.[/color]
Awesome update!
Nice! This is awesome! Thanks for the hard work!
*runs off to play with it*
Also, I don't understand why the object crashes for some users... I'm still trying to find the bug but it is probably not corrected in this last version.
I've just found a bug with the text features (the application randomly crashes when there is too many characters)...
Finally, I've updated a lot of the available examples by adding options and/or details about what the example do.
holy cow this is awesome! When will you remove the annoying text that appears when you use the object?
Example "VectorialShape Example.mfa" crashes when I run the application. I will test on my home PC and let you know if it happens on that one.
Edit: I tried to narrow it down to a certain event and it appears it is the last event in the 'shape perimeters' group (where it says "Timer count, minutes > 2").
Quote from bigredronWhen will you remove the annoying text that appears when you use the object?
When the object will be finished.
Quote from bigredronI tried to narrow it down to a certain event and it appears it is the last event in the 'shape perimeters' group (where it says "Timer count, minutes > 2").
Thanks! It will maybe help me to track down a bug!
Quote from bigredronExample "VectorialShape Example.mfa" crashes when I run the application. I will test on my home PC and let you know if it happens on that one.
Edit: I tried to narrow it down to a certain event and it appears it is the last event in the 'shape perimeters' group (where it says "Timer count, minutes > 2").
I've opened the MFA and I don't see any event which says "Timer count, minutes > 2"... What is the line number ?
Group "Shape Parameters" Line 37
I don't have anything on line 37 (there is a "New condition")...
The group "Shape parameters" is the line 38.
:o ...
Could you send me the MFA you are using please?
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