What I'm looking for is a relatively simple pseudo 3D space engine where the user could fly around in an infinite space to any direction.
There would be random stars everywhere in the space with the usual zoom effect when approaching them, and some bigger sprites created at runtime when the user is at certain coordinates facing the right direction. So the engine should be able to keep track of user's location in terms of coordinates in the space and create sprites in events at the right location and show the sprites always in that same location. Engine should be able to save and restore user's location as well as location of bigger individual objects (not stars, they can be random).
No need for any collision detection nor scaling of backgrounds. Just stars and bigger 2d sprites on an empty/black background.
This would need to be done purely using scale, angle and trigonometry in MMF2, i.e. no use of extensions (other than extensions which are compatible with exe, iOS, Flash and Android runtimes). The engine should be light enough to run on mobile devices and flash.
If this is doable (not with my math skils, that's for sure!) and you are interested, please PM me and we can discuss more. This is a paid request obviously.